NewsFebruary 25, 2025

Blytheville residents were recognized at a Black History program in Osceola. The event featured Marion A. Humphrey, Sr. as the guest speaker and honored five legal professionals from Mississippi County.

Dequeshia Prude Wheeler, orignally from Blytheville, is  using her experience from corporate and federal courts to  help start businesses, help people get out of debt, and create estate planning through Prude Legacy Law Group.
Dequeshia Prude Wheeler, orignally from Blytheville, is using her experience from corporate and federal courts to help start businesses, help people get out of debt, and create estate planning through Prude Legacy Law Group.
Curtis Walker (with First Lady Bridgette Thomas) serves as prosecuting attorney for Mississippi County
Curtis Walker (with First Lady Bridgette Thomas) serves as prosecuting attorney for Mississippi County

Living Word Cathedral Church of God in Christ in Osceola held a Black History Program Sunday afternoon. The guest speaker was Marion A. Humphrey, Sr., the pastor of Allison Memorial Presbyterian Church in Little Rock. Humphrey is a retired circuit court judge for Pulaski and Perry counties. He is also a retired Little Rock Municipal Court judge. Honored were five members of the legal world from Mississippi County including Renae Ford Hudson, orignally of Joiner; Lenore Trammell of Big River Steel; KenDrell Collins, originally of Osceola; and Dequeshia Wheeler and Curtis Walker both of Blytheville. (Coverage and Photos By Sandra Brand)
