NewsMarch 14, 2025

Manila's Blazin' BBQ Fest, spearheaded by the volunteer fire department, is set for April 19. The event, a major fundraiser, supports equipment and community initiatives, drawing thousands for food and fun.

Manila Fire Chief Sonny Ray Dill was the guest speaker at the Wednesday, March 12, Manila Lions Club meeting.

Chief Dill gave an informative talk on the upcoming event. The barbecue festival is sponsored by the Manila Fire Department. The Manila fire department is a volunteer group and Chief Dill commended the firefighters for their dedication to the department and the community.

Chief Dill said this will be the sixth Blazin’ BBQ Fest, starting in 2018.

“This is the largest fundraiser for the fire department,” Dill said. “It has been a blessing. Like the chili cook-off you support, this is our way to give back to the community.”

The festival is always held on the third Saturday in April. This year it will fall on Easter weekend and will be held on Saturday, April 19.

“We started out with eight or nine competitors, 45 vendors, and 10 food vendors the first year,” Dill said. “We have heard teams commend us for the community hospitality received. This year we have sixteen to eighteen competitive teams and we had to put a cap on vendors at 65 with 18 food vendors. We will have three bands for entertainment and the annual eating competition. We have had marshmallow, moon pies, peppers and hotdog eating contests with local citizens competing. We have wonderful sponsors. We do not charge but we do sell punch cards giving people a chance to sample the barbecue, vote for the people’s choice and a chance to win a drawing.”

Dill said the proceeds from the event help the department purchase uniforms, equipment, and meet other needs.

“The city is very supportive of us but the funds we raise help with additional needs,” Dill said. “Our fire district is 96 square miles. Our mayor was a former fire chief and he is very aware of the needs of the department.”

Some of the money raised in the past helped paint and equip a tanker truck that was donated by the Forestry Department; purchase a side by side used in search and rescue and at football games; purchase a used Tahoe used for medical runs.

“We have about 500 calls a year with about 40 medical calls a month,” Dill said. “We look for unique ways to use the funds raised that will benefit the community we serve.”

Manila has 28 firefighters, 26 men and two women.

Dill said the barbecue festival draws at least 6,000 to 7,000 people. The peak time for attendance is 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.

“We learn something new each year on how to make things work better,” Dill said “We appreciate members of the Lions Club who help with the festival. We (firefighters) try to help you with your events any way we can and we appreciate those who help us. It does take a village.”

Dill called the festival a fun, family oriented day for all ages to enjoy.

“It is great to live in a community that works together,” Dill said. “Like the poster at the fire station reads, I’m not here for me, we are not here for us, we are here for them.

“The men and women who serve in the Manila fire department deserve respect. They have full time jobs and families and they still make time for training and risk their lives to save the lives and property of others. The guys work hard for the community and the citizens deserve it.

“You (Lions members) have played a role in many of our firefighter’s lives and we appreciate you all.

“We take pride in our equipment and keep it clean and maintained. It belongs to the citizens.”

Dill talked about the ISO rating that the department has worked to lower from 6 to 4. He said the lower the number, the less the citizens have to pay for their home insurance.

“Our men and women put in a lot of volunteer hours,” Dill said. “Our city is growing.”

The fire department does more than just answer fire calls. They offer CPR classes to school teachers, home school parents, foster parents and individuals; they participate in fire prevention week with an open house for kindergarten students; they have a junior firefighter program. Five of the present firefighters came through the junior firefighter program. The department also provides and installs smoke detectors for citizens who need them.

Dill said they are looking at purchasing a boat, not a fancy boat, but one to be used for search and rescue when needed.

“That would help us have every base covered,” Dill said.

Manila Lions President Christie Patterson and members thanked Dill for taking time to speak to them.

“We appreciate you and your department and all of the assistance you have given us in our projects,” Patterson said. “Several members who are available plan to assist in the barbecue festival. We are looking forward to the event.”

The Manila Lions Club meets on Wednesday at noon each week. Anyone interested in joining the Lions Club may contact any member.
