NewsMarch 14, 2025

Manila Fire Department engaged in a crucial training session on basic auto extrication, with participation from nearby departments. This initiative aims to enhance skills for better emergency response.

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The Manila Fire Department recently participated in a day of training on basic auto extrication. The department is committed to continuously sharpening their skills to provide the best possible protection when lives depend on it. Instructors included Division Chief R. Mable (WMFD/TFD), Assistant Chief R. Brown (GFD), Lt. J. Mclaurin (WMFD), Training Officer N. Holt (WMFD/LFD), Assistant Chief R. Crawford (MFD), Division Chief B. Clark (MFD) and Training Officer D. Nunnally (MFD). Members of Leachville, Dell and Gosnell department participated in the training.
