The Blytheville Lions Club will be holding its annual golf tournament Saturday, May 17 at the Blytheville Country Club.
Registration for the three-person scramble will begin at 7:30 a.m. with the tournament following at 8:30 a.m.
The entry fee is $225 a team with a $15 golf cart rental.
There will also be a contest for longest putt and drive, closest to the pin and a chipping contest.
Lions Club in Blytheville and around the world has the goal of supporting the organizations that aid the blind and sight impaired. As well as supporting local and national eyeglass programs.
If a person donates one or more pairs of eyeglasses they will receive an additional mulligan.
All donations will be accepted, but sponsorship opportunities are available with Gold sponsorship which includes one team with a cart for two riders at $500 and a Silver Sponsorship for $100.
For more information or to sign up your team contact Max Gurley at (870) 740-1895 or Bo Smith at (870) 623-3636.