Editor’s Corner: Bring on the snow
Let it snow!
To say I am excited about this week’s forecast is to put it lightly.
Andy Goldsworthy once said, “Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood.”
And, that’s exactly how I feel every time it snows. I am a kid again... living in a time of magic.
And, contrary to popular belief, I am not the only person who loves snow. Every time it snows, there are kids (of all ages) out on the levee... laughing and screaming for joy. There are sleds made of sheets of tin, kid swimming pools, laundry baskets, storage containers, duck blinds, boats, skateboards... just about anything that will slide.
And, most importantly, Frosty and all of his friends will come to life all over the area and there will even be a few igloos and forts built. Kids will finally put down their phones and explore the great outdoors!
Pablo Neruda once said, “A child who does not play is not a child, but the man who does not play has lost forever the child who lived in him.”
My dad was 67 when he passed away and he never lost the child within. This is a trait he happily passed on to his children. You see, I am never the only Brand “kid” out playing in the snow. I have brothers (MUCH older than me) who will be climbing around inside igloos and bouncing off sleds. They will probably even make a few snowmen with the grandkids.
The joy and the peace that comes with snow showers is simply refreshing and breath-taking. However, I also know it can be dangerous. So, if possible, stay off of the roads. Stay home and turn your yard into a winter playground.
If you must drive, go slow and easy...
Let’s face it, Southerns do not know how to drive in the ice and snow! Our first instinct is to slam on the brake. Remember to pump those brakes slowly...
Have fun and be safe!
Sandra Brand is the editor of the NEA Town Courier and The Osceola Times. She may be reached by phone at 870-763-4461 or 870-563-2615 or by email at brand@osceolatimes.com.