NEA Town Courier
A public meeting was held with several committee members present on Thursday afternoon at the Justice Complex in Blytheville. Committee members included R. L. Jones, Barbara McAdoo-Brothers, Shirley Marshall and Jacquin Benson.
Mayor Melisa Logan addressed the committee about moving forward with an outdoor recreational matching grant in the amount of $250,000. It will be for recreational projects at Walker Park.
It was agreed to move the grant forward to the full city council.
Leslie Hester, manager of the Delta Gateway Museum, gave a report for July. The museum had 102 visitors for the month. She said visitors from across Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, New York, Texas and Brazil had visited the museum. Several activities have been held at the museum.
“Walker Russell, an ANC Nucor scholarship student, has volunteered to put two shelving units together,” Hester said. “Our youth worker finished his six weeks and he got a lot done. The Rotary will hold an evening meeting there.”
Hester reported the air conditioning has been repaired and the Apollo exhibit has been loaned out.”
There are building repair bids submitted. The committee approved moving the bids to the finance committee and placing them on the agenda for the next council meeting.
Park director Darrius Nichols reported the swimming pool has been closed for the season and will be winterized.
“We are looking for ways to make our playground look better,” he said. “We are looking at ways to reduce the duck/goose population.”
A discussion was held on several options and he said he is open to suggestions.
A resident addressed the committee about a possible grant to add a disc golf area at the park. He said it is a very affordable game to create and is growing in popularity and can be played by all ages. Tournaments will draw in people which is good for the local economy. Players will make a good watch group and help with the park clean up. For an 18-hole course, about 10 acres is needed.
The committee agreed, it might be something they can look into and suggested he get with the park director to discuss the details.
Stan Dutton, director of the Ritz, gave an update on the shows in July and the upcoming events which include movies, an area beauty pageant, community engagement meeting with the school, and more.
Resident Rose Nichols addressed the council about going back to old school at the park. She suggested painting hopscotch on the sidewalk and providing a bin with huluhoops, benches for the parents to sit and read and watch their children play.
McAdoo-Brothers said that sounds like a good idea and would not be expensive.
Code Enforcement officer Janice Smith gave a monthly review with 135 cases. She said 59 had received certified mail; 75 regular mail; citations issued, 15, violation notice letters issued, 40; ordinance violation door/vehicle tags, 10; inoperative vehicle removed by the city, 2; lien notices issued, 15; debris/mowing/demo credits, 3/$695; and work orders, 4.
She said they are ready to work on McHaney, near Williams Park, they are working on the old fire department; and vegetation southwest of town.
She said they have divided the town and workers are working on going door to door leaving copies of the cleanup ordinance.
Smith said they ran into issues of ownership on Ray and Debra Lane. She said they are working with the city attorney.
Teri Looney and Brian Jackson, animal control, gave an update for the month of July saying eight dogs have been captured. They also said construction at the shelter is behind as the contractor has not had time to do the work. It was suggested that the mayor speak to the city attorney and see how to move forward. The committee was in agreement, the work needs to be done before cold weather to shelter the animals.
Looney informed the committee the Traveling Grounds coffee shop picked the shelter to donate their June gift. They gave a check for $2,662.21 and she suggested moving that to the finance committee to be earmarked for the budget.
A citizen addressed the committee about the cost of a permit to keep chickens. She said the code enforcement officer had approved her property. She feels $50 is too much and she would like to see it changed.
McAdoo-Brothers suggested leaving it as is, maybe go back later and review.
Gary Carr, city wastewater director, gave a July report. He also said they had a vehicle accident that totaled one of their trucks.
He requested waiving the bid process, and the purchase of two new trucks at a total cost of $79,403. He had compared prices. The insurance on the wrecked truck will give the city $15,950.
The committee approved moving the purchase to the finance committee.
The committee then approved moving forward to the council for a $1.8 million grant with a 25 percent match to be used in the sewer department. Mayor Logan said the city had applied and been approved.
John Callens, chief financial officer, gave the financial report. He said the city will be renewing software. He said it will cost $144 a month more due to the city having two types of readers. The drive-by readers are being phased out and once they are replaced, the additional fee will go away.
He said there is a need for a generator. He will get bids and bring it back to the committee next month.