By STEVE KNOX Osceola Times
The justices of the Mississippi County Quorum Court approved four appropriation ordinances, including one for repairs to the Osceola Courthouse, during its monthly meeting held Tuesday in the circuit courtroom in Osceola.
The appropriation for the Osceola Courthouse will be used to make renovations to the building’s antiquated electrical system. Justice Neil Burge stated that Aaron Ruby said the electrical system needed a major overhaul. A total of $4 million has been earmarked for repairs to the Osceola Courthouse with $1.3 million having already been spent (repairing the Dome and stopping leaks).
Justice Molly Jackson, chair of the Energy and Property Committee stated other renovations in the Osceola facility could not go forward until the electrical system had been overhauled. Justices indicated they would also earmark the proceeds from the sale of land owned by the county on Highway 61 (about $1.2 million) to the Osceola Courthouse repairs. Justice Reggie Cullom spoke passionately about the need to do the right thing to repair the Osceola Courthouse. “What will it take to make the courthouse right?” Cullom asked the other justices. “We have more money now than we have ever had. We need to do whatever it takes to fix this place, because a lot of old folks on the South end of the county, ‘care about the facility and want it looking good and taken care of.”
The Osceola Courthouse Appropriation Ordinance O-2024-30 was approved unanimously by a 10-0 vote. Justice Melinda Martin was absent.
Prior to the approval of the ordinances, justices heard committee reports. Justice Michael White, chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, reported on the July 10 meeting. A request for $500,000 for 50 new jobs had been made by Lexicon. This ordinance had failed in the June meeting due to concerns over the terminology. This ordinance was cleaned up and passed on to the full court by the committee. The committee also sent to the Finance Committee a request for $200,000 for ANC Workforce training.
Justice Molly Jackson, chair of the Energy and Property Committee reported on its July 11 meeting. Jackson stated the Orphan Annie Building was in need of repairs. Windows needed to be replaced and shelving is needed to store files. Tribal Consistency money would be used for the renovations totaling $80,000. The County Clerks office requested $25,000 to shelving and requested $6,800 to replace chairs in the Annex Building. American Rescue Plan money will be used for these items.
The Blytheville Courthouse will continue to close at 2 p.m. until the HVAC is repaired No time frame on completing those repairs had been given by contractor D & L. Those repairs would come from the $380,543.77 left in the fund.
The committee also discussed the Osceola Courthouse repairs and passed that on to the Finance Committee.
Sanitation and Solid Waste chairman Justice Tobye McClanahan gave an update from its July 11 meeting. The excavator at the landfill will cost $327,060 to replace. Insurance is covering $78,002. The committee appropriated $327,000 to that replacement and passed it on to Finance. Judge Nelson thought that a burn box would be a good edition to the landfill. The cost of said burn box would be $200,000 and it was believed the burn box would pay for itself in 3-4 years.
County Attorney Chris Brown sent a demand letter to Boomer over fees owed the landfill. One payment had been received but a substantial balance remains.
Personnel Committee chair Justice Harbans Mangat reported on its July 15 meeting.
Mangat reported Assessor Brannah Bibbs had requested to change one position Title only. The Mapper position changed to Real Estate Assessor. The change in title was approved by the committee.
The Finance Committee chair Justice Neil Burge said expenses were in line at 44-42% and the general balance was in good shape. The Committee passed to the full court the request made by Lexicon; the appropriation for ANC Workforce training; the appropriation for the Osceola Courthouse; and the amending of an ordinance for the county to do business with Mailboxes and Beyond to include Quality Printing which is now owned by Justice McClanahan.
The justices passed all four ordinances unanimously, three of which were appropriation ordinances. Ordinance O-2024-31 appropriated $327,000 to replace the excavator at the landfill; Ordinance O-2024-32 was for $500,000 for 50 new jobs at Lexicon; and O-2024-33 allocated $200,000 for ANC Workforce Training.
Justices also passed, on three readings, Ordinance O-2024-29 to allow the county to do business with Quality Printing.
In other business:
*The County Treasurer reported the interest rate on a $100,000, 1-year Certificate of Deposit is 5.35%.
*County Judge John Alan Nelson reported the county will be receiving a check for $82,000 for the County Health Units and that money will be deposited in the county general fund.
In new business:
*Judge Nelson asked for a correction to the minutes of the July 11 Solid Waste Committee meeting. It was approved unanimously.
*Justice Cullom asked whether or not defibrillators, which had been located in the Blytheville Courthouse, had been distributed to first responders. Judge Nelson stated they had not been distributed but that he would in-struct Tom Henry to do so.