July 3, 2024

By REVIS BLAYLOCK NEA Town Courier John 3:17 Ministry held the Summer of Hope event at Pathway Church in Blytheville on Friday, June 28. It was the first time John 3:17 Ministry had held a fund-raising event in Blytheville. Fundraising coordinator Brandi Ford welcomed everyone and expressed her appreciation for the reception they received. The evening consisted of a catfish dinner, entertainment and a live auction. Guest speaker was 2nd Judicial District Prosecuting Attorney Sonia Hagood...

Guest speaker Sonia Hagood.
Guest speaker Sonia Hagood.


NEA Town Courier

John 3:17 Ministry held the Summer of Hope event at Pathway Church in Blytheville on Friday, June 28. It was the first time John 3:17 Ministry had held a fund-raising event in Blytheville.

Fundraiser draws a huge crowd.
Fundraiser draws a huge crowd.

Fundraising coordinator Brandi Ford welcomed everyone and expressed her appreciation for the reception they received. The evening consisted of a catfish dinner, entertainment and a live auction. Guest speaker was 2nd Judicial District Prosecuting Attorney Sonia Hagood.

“This community opened their arms to us,” Ford said.

John 3:17 Ministry is a residential, faith-based rehabilitation program for women who struggle with addictions to drugs and/or alcohol. The program is free of charge. It is located in the Remmel Community, outside of Newport, but accepts women from all areas. John 3:17 is a place for hope and healing, recovery and support.

A.J. Austin Auctioneers keeps the crowd bidding.
A.J. Austin Auctioneers keeps the crowd bidding.

Guests enjoyed a video before welcoming guest speaker Hagood.

Ford said it is good to have a prosecuting attorney willing to try to help people by sending them to a recovery program.

Hagood said “people we are scared of are the ones who need to be in prison.”

She said if there is no violence involved and not a lot of drugs, she will work with men and women wanting to do better with their lives.

“I’m proud to see so many women here,” Hagood said. “You are the number one priority. If you acknowledge your faults and ask for help, we will give you the tools, and the time you need. I appreciate you allowing me to be your prosecutor.”

She invited anyone with ideas to call her.

“I will listen,” she said.

Serving as John 3:17 executive Director is Suzanne Rudd and assistant director is Amy VanVoorhiss.

A brief history of the ministry was presented.

An auction was held with A.J. Austin Auctioneers keeping the bidding lively for the donated items including a painting by one of the residents; a canvas of the resident; homemade banana pudding and cake, a handmade cutting board, duck hunt adventure, table and chairs, plants, purse and basket, rattan hurricane candle lanterns and a palm tree.

Entertainment was provided by the John 3:17 Ladies.

The mission of John 3:17 is to provide a place of safety, hope and restoration for women with additions.
