July 3, 2024

The July 4th holiday took on a new meaning for me four years ago. It’s now the anniversary of the date I contracted the Covid-19 virus and begun my long journey of recovery. I was admitted to the ICU at the NEA Hospital in Jonesboro and the next four weeks were, without a doubt, the worst of my life... ...

Editor's Corner with Sandra Brand

The July 4th holiday took on a new meaning for me four years ago. It’s now the anniversary of the date I contracted the Covid-19 virus and begun my long journey of recovery.

I was admitted to the ICU at the NEA Hospital in Jonesboro and the next four weeks were, without a doubt, the worst of my life... from the extreme pain to certain moments of death. The coronavirus had caused me to develop viral pneumonia in both lungs. And yes, I developed most of the other commonly reported symptoms... fever, chills, sweats, sore throat, exhaustion... water tasted like motor oil and I constantly smelled smoke.

I remember begging the doctor to tell me I would not die. To his credit, he did not lie to me. His other patients were dying all around me and he did not for a moment believe I would live. As my story began to spread through family, friends, the newspaper, television and Facebook, thousands from literally all over the world began to pray for me. Those prayers were heard. As I laid terrified in that ICU room, I felt the presence of God outstretch His hand to my forehead and say, “My child.”

Covid-19 may just be the flu for some, but for me, a diabetic, it was a life-changing experience. I would like to think the virus made me more compassionate and patient with others. It definitely strengthened my relationship with God which, in turn, makes me more forgiving of others. I no longer have time for drama or the time to allow gossip and lies to effect my life. If God is for me, who can be against me?

I will also note that I firmly believe the Lord let me live to be a voice and share His glory.

At the same time, as a Covid long-hauler, I can sympathize with others. I know what it is like to hurt so bad, you must have help to get out of bed. I know what it is like to walk across the street and collapse because you are out of breath. I know how very frustrating it is to experience brain fog at any given moment. I know what’s it’s like not to be able to articulate your thoughts. I know what it is like to have fungus on your toes and arthritis in your thumbs. I know what it is like to burn up when it’s only 50 degrees outside. I know what it is like to have your teeth crumble and your eye sight fail you. I know what it is like to lose my concentration to the point I can no longer enjoy my favorite pastime... reading.

The list goes on... And, no I am not “simply getting old.” I am a Covid long-hauler and it is a very real thing.

This week, I am heading back to the “scene of the crime”... the place I was exposed to the virus... my beautiful Spring River. No, I am not scared. I am excited to enjoy the incredible place God created. And, no matter what happens, I know, without a doubt, God has me in his hands.

Happy July 4th everyone! Enjoy your holiday with loved ones and be blessed!

Sandra Brand is the editor of the NEA Town Courier and The Osceola Times. She may be reached by phone at 870-563-2615 or by email at brand@osceolatimes.com.
