NEA Town Courier
Manila School Board held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, June 6, accepting resignations and filling positions.
Following an executive session, the board voted unanimously to accept the resignations of Michelle Maddox, payroll; Blaine Lawrence, high school teacher; Madonna Minton, elementary teacher; and Magan Tarver, elementary teacher.
School board members present included Monte Middleton, president; Casey Wells, vice president; Dennis Crosskno, secretary; Tracey Reinhart, Jeremy Jackson and Jackie Hill. Brooke Chipman was absent.
The board then voted unanimously to hire Danny Helms as softball coach; Rebekah Sullinger, high school teacher; Brianna Crews, high school teacher; Brittney Woods, elementary teacher; Ruth Light, elementary teacher; and George Starkey, maintenance.
Superintendent Jason Evers discussed a change in policy concerning maternity leave allowing nine weeks while school is in session. Board members approved the policy amendment.
Following a discussion on property available around the school to meet future needs, Superintendent Evers said they have the opportunity to purchase a house on Olympia Street which could be used for future needs. Pending inspection, the board voted to purchase the house on Olympia Street.
Superintendent Evers then asked the board to allow the year end transfer of funds to the building fund. He explained that as the year closes out the district is required to move at least 20 percent of the operating funds to the building fund. The board voted unanimously to allow the transfer of 20 percent or more.
The board then voted to approve the technology budget for 2025 for $140,000 with a lease option of $37,000 a year for four years. This will include 400 ChromeBooks; 400 upgrades; update in Service Pros, servers, and other upgrades. At the end of the lease, the school will have the option to pay $1 and own the equipment.
The board then approved concrete work up to $50,000.
Meal prices were approved for the 2024-2025 school year. Student breakfast and lunch prices will be $2 and $3.50; adult breakfast and lunch prices will be $3 and $5.
In the administration report, Evers said the summer maintenance work in the buildings is underway.
Newly elected president Middleton expressed his appreciation to everyone for attending the first summer meeting as the date was changed.
The school board regularly meets on the third Thursday of the month.