
Editor’s Corner: Just follow the rules

Friday, May 31, 2024

"We must follow the rules of the world in which we live."

Why is that concept so hard for people to grasp? The other day I was listening to a couple of DJs on the radio and they were arguing over the conformity of rules. After about five minutes of their absurdity, I just shook my head and pushed in my Patsy Cline CD.

Their very argument hit the core of what's wrong with this country. Everyone thinks they are right and they don't have to conform to anyones else's rules. Kids no longer respect their parents, students no longer respect their teachers, employees no longer respect their employers, and the voter no longer respects the public official. Why? Because they think they know more than the authority figure.

Well, you know what? It doesn't matter who's right or wrong, what matters is who is in authority in that particular situation.

Children must be taught to live in the world in which they live - whether they are at home or at school. And workers must learn to leave their attitudes at home when they enter the workforce. And yes, even the voter needs to keep his mouth shut if he hasn't researched the facts.

Our society has taught today's youth to be opinionated - don't be afraid to speak your mind - stand up and be counted. But what we left out was the responsibility and the consequences that come with that loose tongue.

Whether we like it or not, there are rules in this world - rules that we as citizens must learn to live with. We must obey those in authority over us. One of the DJs I was listening to said teachers must "earn" the respect of the students. No they don't. The very fact that they are the teachers, therefore, the persons in charge, should guarantee them the respect that is due their position.

Whether you respect a person or not, does not alleviate you of the responsibility to operate in the environment in which you live and work. It doesn't always matter who's right. When I was a young girl and would ask my mom why I had to do something I didn't like, she would say, "because I told you to." Now, I admit I hated that answer, just like you probably did when your mom gave it to you. But as an adult, I understand it. It didn't make any difference whether it made any sense to me or not. She was the person in authority and it was my job to listen to her.

How hard is that to understand and how did our society get so ego struck that they forgot that very important fact of life? The very fact there are hundreds of books and programs designed to teach people how to live with rules is beyond me. This would not be a problem if they had grown up with my parents.

Sandra Brand is the editor of the NEA Town Courier and The Osceola Times. She may be reached by phone at 870-763-4461 or 870-563-2615 or by email at brand@osceolatimes.com.