May 22, 2024

By REVIS BLAYLOCK NEA Town Courier Leachville City Council approved police department purchases, hired a part-time officer, adopted changes in the employee handbook, and discussed grants at the May meeting on Monday night. Mayor Rodney Robertson presided at the meeting welcoming everyone...


NEA Town Courier

Leachville City Council approved police department purchases, hired a part-time officer, adopted changes in the employee handbook, and discussed grants at the May meeting on Monday night.

Mayor Rodney Robertson presided at the meeting welcoming everyone.

Chief of Police Steven Pearson addressed the council informing them the department had received the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $7,400. The council approved the request for the purchase of two in-vehicle radios ($6,290.74); one LD spotlight for a patrol truck ($325.92); six reversible class 3 Hi-Vis raincoats ($527.94); and 12 short sleeve uniform tee-shirts ($448.80); for a total of $7,593.40. The purchases will be paid for by the grant and the city paying the additional $190.40.

Chief Pearson said lettering for two of the trucks are complete with three more to go. He said Derek Davis had completed his classes and is now eligible to serve part-time.

The council voted to approve Davis as a part-time officer at $11 an hour.

Council members present were Lisa Baldridge, Mark Wheeler, Michael Webster, Keith Evans and Robert Ballard. Paul Wildy was absent.

Lisa Turner with the Leachville Community Gymnasium Committee asked the council about getting wi-fi at the gymnasium. She said she would like to place cameras in and around the facility and wi-fi is needed. She also said she had a sponsor for one of the benches provided by Make Leachville Beautiful group. She would like to purchase a second one using the gymnasium funds. Mayor Robertson said he would check on wi-fi. There were no objections expressed to the bench purchase.

Turner announced there will be a clean-up day at the gymnasium on June 15 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. and volunteers will be appreciated.

Lorrie Pace gave a grant report saying the tornado siren has been installed and is working. MCEC donated the poles. The city should be receiving invoices for the electrical work. The siren was $4,425. Some of the electrical boxes are having to be worked on and when she gets a quote she will inform the council. Following a discussion, the council voted to use the $18,000 wastewater reserve funds and reimburse it when the grant funds are received.

Pace also said they did receive the Arkansas Tourism Grant and have until Aug. 4, 2025 to turn in the receipts for reimbursement. The grant is for next year’s Fourth of July festival/fireworks which includes advertising.

Another grant she is working on includes the Fun Park Grant with the deadline for application Aug. 1.

Pace gave an update on the storm shelter project saying she had received confirmation for three community storm shelters. The shelters will be like the ones in Monette if anyone wanted to look at them. There will be a site visit. Tentatively the sites are at the substation, behind the fire department, and near Southworth. The council previously agreed to use the remainder of the Leachville Disaster Relief Fund ($13,000) to help pay for the storm shelters.

Pace suggested the city create a line item for future projects. This will not be from the one cent sales tax that is earmarked for the police, fire and water. This would be from the revenue the city receives from the regular sales tax. Pace explained funds are needed to match grants or to pay for projects that will be reimbursed through grants.

The council voted to start out with $1,000 a month set aside for future projects.

The council also voted to pay an extra $1,000 a month on the new fire truck. The extra payment will go to the principal of the loan.

Vanessa Wheeler, city clerk and treasurer, and Pace read a lengthy ordinance establishing a business license for the city for a first reading. Wheeler said the council will not be voting on the ordinance which establishes fees, rules and regulations for acquiring a business license. It also listed several exemptions. The proposed annual fee was $25.

Councilman Webster requested a copy of the old ordinance requiring a business license by the next meeting and a copy of an application form. He also asked about an appeal process in case anyone is denied.

“We do not have a code enforcement inspector to inspect the businesses as called for in the proposed ordinance,” he said. “Who will be responsible?”

Mayor Robertson and Chief Pearson said there have been problems with 4-wheelers around town, near the water tower and the walking track at the park. The mayor said he is getting a lot of complaints and some are from out of town. The chief said he chased one from here to Monette.

Councilman Evans said there are state laws.

“I want the kids to have a good time but more than that, we want them to be safe,” Mayor Robertson said. “They don’t listen to the chief. Give them a warning the first time and they should not be in the park or the cemetery at any time.”

A resident addressed the council about the water discoloration saying the water is brown. She said they purchase water to drink and she hates to even bathe in the water because it is so discolored most of the time.

Wheeler assured her they are not sweeping it under the rug.

“We are working on a project that will help the problem,” Wheeler said.

Mayor Robertson said money has been the issue.

Baldridge said she knows it looks bad no one wants to drink it but the water is being tested regularly by the state and it is safe.

In other business:

–The council voted to approve the changes in the employee handbook. Treasurer Wheeler, said the handbook had been sent to the city attorney and she made a few changes in terminology.

–Chief Pearson informed the council that several officers and firefighters have been discussing working together to bring back the annual harvest festival in 2025. The council was in favor of the idea. The council did vote to place the harvest festival funds in a CD for one year at Farmers Bank & Trust in Manila.

–Mayor Robertson said an anonymous donor is going to place a new fence around the ballpark. He said the city will pay for it and it will be reimbursed. The council voted unanimously to approve the project.

–Councilwoman Baldridge said due to the rain, the annual cemetery clean-up had to be canceled on Saturday. It has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 8, from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. Volunteers will meet at the community gymnasium.

–In the council comments, Wheeler commended the chief and others for issuing citations for property clean-up. “I appreciate their efforts. Leachville did not get in this shape overnight and it will take time. Also, the graphics on the trucks look good.”

–Evans said he was good with yard cleanup but it has to be across the board. “Everyone needs to be treated the same.”

–The June meeting has been changed to the fourth Monday, June 24, at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in the boardroom at city hall.
