April 20, 2024

By REVIS BLAYLOCK NEA Town Courier The Manila school board filled several positions, renewed contracts and accepted one resignation at the Thursday, April 18 meeting. Following an executive session, Superintendent Jason Evers recommended hiring several teachers with the board voting unanimously for each one...


NEA Town Courier

The Manila school board filled several positions, renewed contracts and accepted one resignation at the Thursday, April 18 meeting.

Following an executive session, Superintendent Jason Evers recommended hiring several teachers with the board voting unanimously for each one.

New hires are: Stephanie Carr, assistant elementary principal for the 2025-2026 school year; Jessica Burrow, lead pre-k teacher; Katie Evans, special education teacher; Creighton Polk, agri teacher; Jacob Hutson, teacher/coach; Kendra Leslie, high school teacher; and Whitney Gist, high school teacher.

The board also voted to accept the resignation of Kim Tomblin, pre-K teacher.

All board members, Jeremy Jackson, president; Tracey Reinhart, vice president; Monte Middleton, secretary; Brooke Chipman, Dennis Crosskno, Jackie Hill and Casey Wells were present.

The board then voted to rehire several staff members with changes. Those include Shonda Wortham, paraprofessional to certified elementary teacher; Alex Sammons, paraprofessional to certified teacher; Amy Hopps, assistant to lead pre-k teacher; Heather Orr, paraprofessional to pre-k assistant teacher and Michelle Meacham, custodian to pre-K assistant teacher.

Evers presented a list of changes in stipends which was approved 7-0.

Evers informed the board the junior high track meet would be on Friday and the senior high district track meet would be held on Monday at the Manila track. Piggott will be hosting the senior high district track meet but will use the Manila High School track. Baseball and softball district tournaments will begin on Monday at Gosnell.

Ever pointed out work that is being done on campus including a partial covered drive through at the pre-k building and the addition of more sidewalks.

The seniors will graduate at 7 p.m. on May 13 in the high school gymnasium. Kindergarten graduation will be held at 6 p.m. on May 17.

Board member Wells gave an update on the trap program which is going well with a lot of interest in the junior high and senior high teams.

The Manila School Board meets the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
