BLYTHEVILLE— The Mississippi County Quorum Court’s Energy and Property Committee met Wednesday afternoon at the Annex Building where a variety of topics were discussed including an increase of 100 beds at the ADC Work Release Center.
Nine justices— Chairwoman Molly Jackson, Rick Ash, Michael White, Betty Hepler, Cecil McDonald, Neil Burge, Tobeye McClanahan, Drake Brown, and Harbans Mangat— were present and all but one committee member, Melinda Martin, were absent.
The first order of business discussed was from Mississippi County Arkansas Economic Opportunity Commission Executive Director Priscilla Johnson. She informed the committee that upgrades have been made to the Osceola Resource Center at 404 School Street in Osceola.
The upgrade includes new doors for security purposes and new flooring. They are currently looking at replacing the roof.
White asked if the county owned the building?
Public Affairs Director Tom Henry informed the committee the county does own the building. However, in February of 2015, former County Judge Randy Carney signed a 10-year lease agreement with Mississippi County E.O.C Head Start, which will end in February of 2025.
Following further discussions, Johnson stated the estimate received for the roof was $31,000. Several justices suggested Johnson get a second opinion on what needs to be done to fix the roof.
The justices added they want to help EOC fix the roof, but need more information before a decision can be made.
Johnson stated she’d get the information and inform the Quorum Court.
The next discussion concerned the Arkansas Division of Corrections Mississippi County Work Release Center located in Luxora.
Deputy Warden James Dycus sent a letter to County Judge John Alan Nelson on Tuesday, April 9 stating, “The Arkansas Department of Corrections, Division of Correction (ADC) is requesting that the building and property of the Mississippi County Work Release Center be donated to the State of Arkansas for the purpose of building an addition to the facility. This agreement would be beneficial to the ADC as well as Mississippi County. The ADC would ask that you present this proposal to the Quorum Court.”
Henry informed the committee that Dycus, along with the Work Release program and ADC, is a “blessing to the county”.
Henry added Dycus began the expansion project, with the approval of the Arkansas Department of Corrections and the Governor’s office. He then discovered through research ADC does not own the land.
Dycus, present at Tuesday's meeting, said the facility currently has 186 inmates with 156 currently in the work release program at 15 different work sites.
The expansion would add five correctional officers jobs and room for 100 additional inmates.
Judge Nelson walked into the meeting during discussion and stated his support of donating the land. He suggested a clause be added to the contract stating if the ADC closed the work release center in Mississippi County the land would revert back to the county.
Justice Ash made the motion to authorize Judge Nelson to donate the land to the Arkansas Department of Corrections with the clause of the property reverting back to Mississippi County; which was seconded by Justice Hepler.
An update was given on the Osceola Courthouse. Aaron Ruby, who is now under contract, visited the courthouse earlier in the week to begin the renovation process.
Jackson stated the security system doesn’t work at the Osceola Courthouse.
Ash stated the county has received estimates from NET and Silent Security which will have fire safety measures included in their estimates.
NET’s quote was $2,795 installation cost with a $30 per month charge. Silent Security’s quote was $3,776 for installation cost with $30 per month fee.
Justice White stated the money is budgeted and Judge Nelson can decide which security system to use at the courthouse in Osceola.