New members for the Arkansas Northeastern College chapter of Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society were inducted on Sunday, March 17. Gamma Bets Phi (GBP) is a national collegiate honor society and service organization with chapters in colleges and universities throughout the United States. The new members of Gamma Beta Phi are Justin Branch, Alicia DePriest, X’Adrian Flowers, Peyton Gestring, Tabitha Hendrix, Zachary Kovarna, Tinnasha Pittman, Lasharia Smith, Gracie Tillman, ad Aurelia Williams.
The ceremony included greetings, the Objectives and Expectations of GBP, the Code of Ethics for GBP and the Meaning of the Coat of Arms.
The guest speaker was June Walters, ANC Executive Vice President. She encouraged the new members of Gamma Beta Phi to take advantage of the opportunity for service and leadership and that they would get out of it what they put into it. Mrs. Walters noted that to be successful a person needed to be willing to pay the price with hard work; to be self-disciplined and take control of yourself; to set high goals that are specific and share them with someone; to learn to get along with others by learning to accept criticism and treating others as you would want to be treated; to be a dreamer with big dreams and say why not; take risks and don’t be afraid to fail; stay informed because once a person’s mind is stretched by a new idea it never regains its original dimensions; be ethical and do the right thing, know when to compromise, and what you once knew to be right and wrong is still right and wrong; have some fun every day of your life; and be somebody’s hero, you are already someone’s hero and what you do is being watched and will influence someone’s life.
Walters closed with a thought from Robert Fulghum’s book “all I Really Needed to Know About Life I Learned in Kindergarten” to share everything, play fair, don’t hit people, put things back where you found them, clean up your own mess, don’t take things that aren’t yours, say you are sorry when you hurt someone, wash your hands, and warm cookies and milk are good for you. She encouraged everyone to live a balanced life.
Next were the induction of the new members with the membership pledge and closing remarks by Tonya Harris, GBP Advisor. In with the closing remarks Whitni Mangum, GBP Chapter President, presented Tonya Harris with a “World’s Greatest Advisor 2025” trophy. Following the induction ceremony was a members and guests enjoyed a reception. Members then did a service project where they put candy in Easter eggs to donate to the Mt. Hope Church.