Inspired by traditional “Stations of the Cross” meditation exhibits, there is a new exhibit of original artworks displayed at Blytheville First United Methodist Church. Created by artist Angela Trotter in consultation with the Rev. Zachary Roberts, The set of 12 original works will lead the viewer on a journey of meditation and contemplation following Jesus from praying in the Garden of Gethsemane to his Resurrection. Each image is accompanied by a Scripture and Meditation relative to the experience of Christ depicted in the work.
For this project, Trotter worked with mixed media of pen and ink, graphite and colored pencil. The images provide a perfect guide for the viewer to see the Scriptural events of Christ’s Passion with a new and different understanding.
The display is available for viewing and meditation in the Sanctuary of Blytheville FUMC at 701 West Main Street from 1-3 p.m. on weekdays, as well as before regular Sunday worship services.
For additional Information, contact Blytheville FUMC at 870-763-3351.