March 20, 2024

By REVIS BLAYLOCK NEA Town Courier Mississippi County Retired school personnel met on Thursday at the Blytheville Public Library. President William Wiley welcomed everyone and presided over the business meeting with the secretary and treasure reports being given...

Lisa Willard
Lisa Willard


NEA Town Courier

Mississippi County Retired school personnel met on Thursday at the Blytheville Public Library. President William Wiley welcomed everyone and presided over the business meeting with the secretary and treasure reports being given.

Wayne Griffin introduced the guest speaker Lisa Willard, executive director of the Mississippi County Union Mission in Blytheville.

Willard has been with the Union Mission for six years. She informed the retired school personnel members on the services offered at the mission.

“I never dreamed I would be doing this but God has a plan for all of our lives,” Willard said. “I love what I am doing. There are a lot of components in the services at the mission. It is a homeless shelter. A lot of the elderly and even middle aged people are trying to survive on $800 or less a month.”

She said circumstances sometimes leave them without a home. There are many reasons. It can be mental illness, drug addiction, or other causes.

“We try to help everyone we can,” she said. “We will put them in contact with other agencies,” she said. “Right now we have a young mother with two small children. We have had men who have had great jobs but due to health or other reasons end up homeless. We would like to think family will take care of us but it is not their responsibility to take care of us. We offer a temporary home at the mission and we treat everyone the same.”

Willard said there are grants available to help move homeless people into their own housing by paying the first month’s rent and deposit and utility deposits.

“We get food from the USDA Food commodity program which helps,” she said. “We serve over 500 people a month and give out over 600 sack lunches a month from 12 to 1 p.m. Some churches help with the lunches. We have a clothing and a furniture warehouse for low income families or fire victims. We will be having a big yard sale on April 6 and all of the money raised will go back into the mission fund.”

Her position is the only salaried position.

“I don’t take a large salary,” she said.

She said the mission is fortunate to have workers provided through the Workforce and the AARP.

The mission depends on donations. Plans are to start a project to provide basic essentials. She would like to get churches or organizations involved. If one church would take on providing towels and another one sheets, pots and pans or anything helpful to assist when moving people from the shelter to their own homes. There is a Veterans program available that she can contact for those who qualify.

“It is a joy to serve the community,” she said. Thank you for allowing me to share. Monthly donations are welcomed.”

Committee reports were given. Sherry Griffin announced applications for the annual scholarships have been received from all schools in Mississippi County.

McClain said members will be receiving ballots for state representatives and she encouraged everyone to mark the ballots and mail them back.

“Our votes matter,” she said. “We're voting people. Our impact is huge.”

She also discussed the group assisting in collecting names on the petition to get the education rights amendment on the ballot. She said she will check on the information for Mississippi County to help with gathering signatures.

President Wiley reminded everyone to submit their volunteer service hours.

The April meeting will be held at Rivercrest School and the May meeting will be held at the Grecian Steakhouse at noon. There are no meetings in the summer but will resume in September.

Donna Mosley, also a member of the DAR, talked about a project to recognize Highway 61 and the arch at the state line that is 100 years old this year.

“If you have any suggestions or ideas on how we can celebrate the 100th anniversary, contact me or Ann Bush,” she said.

President Wiley said they need a volunteer to serve as vice president. Wanda Kemp volunteered to serve.

It was suggested that members bring towels and washcloths to the May meeting to be donated to the Union Mission.
