BLYTHEVILLE— Friday night, the Holiday Inn Ballroom was the center of remembering Blytheville Police Chief Ross Thompson’s retirement after 32 years of service to the citizens of Blytheville with more than 50 people in attendance.
Thompson became the interim chief of Police in 2006 and gained the full title in 2007.
Since being named chief of police, Thompson has served under three mayors— Barrett Harrison, James Sanders and current mayor Melissa Logan.
Thompson expressed his thanks to Harrison for putting his trust in him.
Thompson explained, “Mayor Harrison, I'm always grateful to him for seeing something in me. I had a lot of people tonight, some of the younger officers saying ‘you took a chance on me’ and so now this is that moment I get the chance to say you took a chance on me. Thank you. Thank you for trusting in me. I hope I have exceeded your expectations.’ That would probably be one of the biggest compliments I could receive.”
Before Sanders was elected mayor he served as a police officer alongside Thompson.
During Sanders' administration, Thompson explained that the two worked hard to pass the tax, which Thompson added was “really vital to the department”.
Thompson stated the city still has “work to do” on reducing the crime but the city has reduced the crime in Blytheville.
Whenever Logan assumed the office in January 2023, Thompson explained that he felt the department was “fine and the department was doing good,” and gave her space to address other issues inside the city.
Thompson added he liked the ideas from Logan.
Thompson also ‘cleared the air’ on the recent leave of absence from mid-December and stated he had already had plans to retire later this year, but the events took its toll on him and his wife, Libby.
Thompson explained he is retiring from law enforcement.
“I'm retiring. I am leaving law enforcement. I'm ending a career,” said Thompson. “(The leave of absence) did but it didn’t influence me the way people may think.”
Logan told the Courier, “On behalf of our city, I want to congratulate Chief Thompson on his retirement and thank him for his service to Blytheville. Since 2019, I've been a part of the city government, he has pushed through some critical times. He led the BPD through the Pandemic, he has navigated the effects of a shrinking department, and served at a time when gun violence is erupting throughout the nation. He has been a staunch ambassador. We wish him well.”
Logan presented Thompson with a frame Friday night that included: his license plate; the Blytheville Police Department patch; the United States flag patch; the name plate from his uniform and his nameplate from the door of his old office.
Logan also mentioned that during the retirement party earlier in the day the city of Blytheville presented Thompson with a compass.
In his 32 years, Thompson explained that the years “went by quick”.
Thompson was asked what his plans were for the future.
“There are a lot of things I need to do within my private life and in my home there's a lot of things I need to do there,” Thompson explained. “The job took a lot of time. And i don't know in my own personality i would go over the top. I poured myself into it. The cost was now i hot things i’ve got to catch up on. I do owe my wife some nice vacations. I do owe her that time and my family, kids and grandkids time.”
Thompson stated he will be serving on a Domestic Violence board for the Haven.
With the list of applicants for the position of chief of police being announced, Thompson explained his thoughts on the officers applying for the position.
“I'd say to anybody who wants this job and even the officers I’ve talked with about this, if you're not willing to give it your all. And I mean when I say your all. I mean like me,” Thompson said. “ You come in at night, you come in during the day. If you're not going to do that then you don't want it. Because you will pour yourself into this.”
Thompson continued, “The community needs it. The community deserves it in my opinion. So if that's not your plan for that position then don't apply. This city needs it.”