NEA Town Courier
Mississippi County Energy and Property and Sanitation and Solid Waste committee members discussed the construction of a scale house/office at the landfill and the needed repairs to the Osceola Courthouse at the Tuesday afternoon meeting.
Justice Molly Jackson, chair of the Energy and Property committee, opened the meeting with nine members of the Quorum Court and Judge John A. Nelson present.
Judge Nelson said he had recently received a request for some repairs at the annexation building from Nathaniel Smith, chairman of the election commission. The request was for repairs to the office due to rain damage. He also requested a handicapped ramp be installed at the end of the building.
Judge Nelson then introduced Gary Clement, owner of an architect firm in Little Rock and welcomed Porter Brownlee, a construction consultant, back to Blytheville. Brownlee worked with the county in the renovations of the courthouse. Judge Nelson said they have been talking to Clement and Brownlee about the construction of a scale building at the landfill
Clement expressed his appreciation to J.T. Harris, county employee, for the tour of the landfill.
“I have never built a scale building, but I have built most everything else,” Clement said. “I am looking forward to working with you.”
Harris said the old scale house is in bad shape and there is a real need for a new building. He went on to say it needs to be moved to a more convenient location.
“We have had issues with the scales freezing up,” Harris said. “This will give us a good opportunity to design what we need with experts. We need a more modern building that will last for the next 75 years.”
Brownlee said the tour of the landfill was fascinating.
“I had no idea of what goes into work at the landfill,” Brownlee said.
He went on to say the project would include design, bid and build. He discussed with committee members interviewing contractors, providing pre-construction services, the overall process including a savings clause, incentive to save money, the law, and etc.
Justice Tobye McClanahan, chair of the Sanitation and Solid Waste Committee, said she had first proposed a mobile unit and the Judge had wanted a constructed building and she conceded. She said she had visited a neighboring landfill and had acquired plans of a building there she thought would work for Mississippi County. She asked what had changed? She asked since they had the plans if they still needed an architect?
Harris said the Mississippi County landfill needs a scale house with a multi-purpose conference room that can double as a break-room, restrooms, office space, etc.
Clement talked briefly about the process of what it takes to design the plans. A discussion was held on a possible timeframe.
Brownlee spoke on the time to get RFQ, setting up interviews, etc.
Justice Michael White made a motion, seconded by Justice Melinda Martin, to move forward with this architect firm and Brownlee to start the process.
“Conditions for our employees is the priority,” McClanahan said.
Later in the meeting, justices voted in favor to move the project to the full court.
Justice Betty Hepler said she is in favor of the project but said they have been trying to get work done on the Osceola Courthouse for a long time.
“I have a message from Justice Reggie Cullom who could not be here today,” she said. “He said he will not vote for any more money to be spent until repairs on the Osceola Courthouse are done. And, I think I am right behind him.”
Justice Harbans Mangat agreed with Justice Hepler’s statement.
Judge Nelson said he thought they were moving forward with the courthouse repairs. Aaron Ruby was there last week looking at the list of projects and talking to the staff there.
Justice Jackson said she was not aware that Ruby had been there but she had given him the priority list and the funds have been appropriated.
Fire Marshal/inspector Ray Williams spoke to the committee saying there are immediate life safety issues at the Osceola Courthouse. Following an inspection, the courthouse had several items listed that have to be corrected. He went on to say it has electrical issues, gasoline stored in the basement, wires hanging, electrical outlets, ceiling tiles missing and extension cords running space heaters.
Justice Rick Ash said most of the items on the fire inspection list are maintenance issues. They need to be corrected immediately. Justice Ash said he would look for an electrician to correct the wiring problem and Harris said he would get the gasoline cans and tools out of the basement this afternoon. They will be looking for proper storage buildings/boxes for the items in the basement but will have them out of the building immediately.
Justice Michael White said they really need to see the work being done. He also reminded everyone that early voting starts Feb. 20.
The group discussed counter-tops for the clerks’ offices with Justice Jackson saying she would like to see the quote and having the roof of the annex building inspected.