Mississippi County, Arkansas has announced the launch of the Mississippi County Water & Sewer Infrastructure Grant Program funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was signed into law. Among many other provisions, ARPA provides direct funding to each county in the United States through what is called the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Relief Fund (CLFRF). For Mississippi County, Arkansas, this amount is $7,895,980.00.
Mississippi County has designated $750,000.00 from its CLFRF to fund the "Mississippi County Water and Sewer Infrastructure" grant program.
The Mississippi County Water and Sewer Infrastructure Grant Program will fund innovative and effective water and sewer infrastructure projects designed to address the infrastructure needs of the County. Each grant will provide up to $125,000 for cities/towns within Mississippi County and can only be used for Infrastructure projects pursuant to Arkansas Constitution, Article 12, Section 5 as incorporated into Article 12 by Amendment 97. These grants will fund up to 75% of project costs, with 25% cost being matched by the applicant.
Eligible Applicants:
Applications for this grant may be submitted by cities/towns located within Mississippi County. Cities/Towns that have received funding from the previous Infrastructure Grant Program are still eligible to apply. However, the total grant funding received by any one applicant must not surpass $400,000.00.
Eligible Projects:
The funding allocated by Mississippi County for this grant program should be used to assist with water and sewer Infrastructure project planning or implementation with a priority for projects that address areas of greatest need and serve those most at-risk.
The following are types of projects eligible under this program:
– water service;
– wastewater treatment.
Important Dates
Friday, Feb. 9, 2024, 1 p.m. CST – Applications available on the County Website
Friday, March 1 at 5 p.m. CST - Applications Deadline
– For more information, please visit the County website https://www.mississippicountyar.org/infrastructure-grants