The Manila Lions Club set the date for the second annual gun/knife show at the Wednesday noon meeting.
Lion President Mark Wheeler said they had been researching the best dates available.
It was decided to continue to have the gun and knife show event on June 14-15. Hours will be Friday from 5-9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
Admission will be $10 with 14 years old and under free.
There will be 60 spaces available and tables will be furnished.
For more information or to register contact Wheeler at 870-919-8685 or Tony Hawkins at 870-930-5716; or email
Hawkins assists the Lions Club in the gun show and Lion Wheeler expressed his appreciation for his help.
Lion Wheeler said there will be a concession manned by high school students and several food trucks were on site last year. Other vendors are welcome.