February 2, 2024

By REVIS BLAYLOCK NEA Town Courier The Leachville City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday to discuss the purchase of tools for the fire department, moving a position part-time to full time and establishing a city privilege license. All council members, Lisa Baldridge, Paul Wildy, Michael Webster, Mark Wheeler, Robert Ballard and Keith Evans, were present...


NEA Town Courier

The Leachville City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday to discuss the purchase of tools for the fire department, moving a position part-time to full time and establishing a city privilege license.

All council members, Lisa Baldridge, Paul Wildy, Michael Webster, Mark Wheeler, Robert Ballard and Keith Evans, were present.

Mayor Rodney Robertson opened the meeting reviewing three quotes for extrication tools, commonly called Jaws of Life.

Fire Chief Drake Brown talked about the importance of the different features on the equipment. Following a discussion, the council voted unanimously to purchase the tools from Siddons-Martin Emergency Group at a total cost of $14,948.

Council then went into executive session to discuss personnel. After returning to open session, Mayor Robertson recommended making Mason Ballard’s part-time position with the maintenance department full time with an increase in wages to $14 an hour. Mayor Robertson said Mason has his CDL certification.

Five council members voted to make Mason Ballard full time with Councilman Robert Ballard abstaining. Robert Ballard is the father of Mason Ballard.

The council then discussed reinstating a privilege/business license for anyone who does business in the city.

Councilman Wildy gave his opinion that the license should be established and renewed annually.

“This will help the city and the tax assessor’s office to make sure everyone is paying state and city taxes and have a health department certification if needed,” Wildy said.

Councilman Webster said he was absent at the regular meeting when it was discussed but stated he is not for any extra taxes or licensing.

“Our officers have enough to do without chasing people down for $15 or $20,” Webster said.

Councilwoman Lisa Baldridge had expressed her concerns over a privilege license at the regular January meeting.

She went on to say city hall is only open two days a week, Thursday and Friday, if people have to come to city hall for a license. She expressed her opinion that city hall should be open to the public five days a week.

Councilman Webster said he can see how a privilege license can be a hassle.

“I’m for any business coming to Leachville,” Webster said. “The state takes care of the taxes, not the city. I do not want to be involved in what the state takes care of.”

Councilman Evans said they had discussed $25 across the board for everyone with exemptions for food trucks or booths for festivals or activities at the community gymnasium.”

Members of the council also said food trucks doing business in Leachville on a part-time basis would only need to purchase a license once a year.

The vote to re-establish a privilege license was 3-2 with Wildy, Wheeler and Evans casting the yes votes; Baldrige and Webster casting no votes; and Ballard not voting either way.

The council suggested Mayor Robertson contact the municipal league for guidance on all of the legalities of establishing the privilege license and get it started as soon as possible.
