Governor Sarah Sanders recently declared Blytheville “Capitol for a Day.” She and several members of her cabinet visited various places throughout town to better understand the needs of our community. The Governor and Secretary of Commerce Hugh McDonald requested to host a meeting with leadership at Farmers Bank & Trust during their visit. Farmers Bank is the only financial institution that the Governor has visited during her state tours. She wanted to learn more about the programs that the bank is using to help people throughout Blytheville grow stronger financially. Upon her arrival at the downtown branch, she was greeted by bank employees, and she was happy to personally meet each one. During a meeting with the Governor, local community leaders and bank leadership, Randy Scott, President and CEO of Farmers Bank explained to the group how the Work Here, Live Here program is helping bring people to the community. This is a county-wide homeownership incentive program developed to encourage people that work in Mississippi County to also live within the county. Governor Sanders also heard from bank leadership about the financial literacy program that Farmers Bank offers for children and adults. After learning about the impact of these programs, Governor Sanders felt that these should be replicated in various areas throughout the state.