January 5, 2024

As Arkansans are seeing the first winter weather of the season and using more energy to heat their homes and businesses, Black Hills Energy is sharing innovative ways to save on energy costs in the new year. "Our customers care about safe, reliable and affordable energy, so we want to provide practical and simple energy solutions to help them thrive,” said Marc Eyre, vice president of operations at Black Hills Energy in Arkansas. ...

As Arkansans are seeing the first winter weather of the season and using more energy to heat their homes and businesses, Black Hills Energy is sharing innovative ways to save on energy costs in the new year.

"Our customers care about safe, reliable and affordable energy, so we want to provide practical and simple energy solutions to help them thrive,” said Marc Eyre, vice president of operations at Black Hills Energy in Arkansas. “We couldn’t think of a better way to help achieve new year goals than by encouraging customers to find new ways to save.”

Arkansans can celebrate a new year of energy savings with these three action steps:

1. Make a New Year’s resolution to utilize the efficiency and savings hub.

Black Hills Energy has a comprehensive efficiency and savings website section featuring resources, tips and tools to reduce a home’s energy usage, energy efficiency programs to help a business’s bottom line, and even ways to inspire the next generation of energy savers. From home improvements to smart technologies, customers can discover practical steps to reduce energy consumption and cut utility costs.

2. Celebrate National Cut Your Energy Costs Day

Black Hills Energy encourages customers to explore resources and assess energy usage on National Cut Your Energy Costs Day January 10, which is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of energy efficiency.

3. Cash in gift cards on a smart thermostat.

Smart thermostats are a simple tool that can be beneficial for customers for long-term savings. It is as easy as one, two, three. First, choose the right thermostat ranging from a seven-day programmable version to WiFi options to being able to check settings from a phone. Second, set a schedule. The U.S. Department of Energy says homeowners can easily save energy in the winter by setting the thermostat to 68 degrees while awake and setting it lower while asleep. And qualifying customers can save money when they purchase a new thermostat by taking advantage of energy efficiency rebates. Information on Arkansas energy efficiency programs and rebates may be found at energy-readyarkansas.com.

For additional tips to stay safe, be prepared and save energy, visit blackhillsenergy.com/teamready.
