January 5, 2024

By REVIS BLAYLOCK NEA Town Courier Jason Taylor is starting his second year of his first term as Gosnell mayor and has worked through some difficult challenges and is looking forward to 2024. He has a desire to continue working for the citizens of Gosnell...

Mayor Jason Taylor
Mayor Jason Taylor


NEA Town Courier

Jason Taylor is starting his second year of his first term as Gosnell mayor and has worked through some difficult challenges and is looking forward to 2024.

He has a desire to continue working for the citizens of Gosnell.

“I love this city and the people,” Mayor Taylor said. “I appreciate the opportunity to serve them.”

Mayor Taylor had served on the city council before deciding to run for the mayor’s position.

He is the first full time mayor to serve Gosnell in 12 years. Dick Reams was the last full time mayor. When Taylor was elected mayor, he retired from the Blytheville Fire Department with 24 years of service.

A couple of the major challenges in 2023 included sewer issues and audit issues. Mayor Taylor hit the ground running and he and the council made a major effort to get those issues under control.

“We had some ARPA money which helped with the funding,” he said. “We have 16 pump houses with 32 pumps, 10 new ones and new motors. We have new electrical panels installed. ADEQ and I became close but we did get our permits back. We did have to pay some fines but at this moment we are doing well with our sewer issues.”

Mayor Taylor even took classes himself to get a Class I sewer license. The city had to have a licensed person and at the time it did not. Now there are three licensed staff members.

“For the first time in a long time, the city of Gosnell and the Gosnell Water Company are working together,” Mayor Taylor said. “It takes an army and working together, we can get things done.”

The audit issues are also getting resolved. Mayor Taylor said he met with the audit legislation to discuss plans to correct the issues. He said the city was four years behind but 2022 is almost complete and hopefully the audits will be completely caught up in the near future.

His goals for this year include completing the installation of pumps and motors in the sewer system and smoke test for the infestation on the sewer lines and that should take care of all of the sewer issues.

The city has six council members and Mayor Taylor said they are all working hard for the citizens.

Mayor Taylor also commended the volunteer fire department saying they are very dedicated to the city. They meet on Monday nights.

There are eight officers in the police department. Taylor said they are making strides with a new chief and assistant chief. The goal is to get the department up to eight full time officers.

“They are receiving updated equipment to help protect our citizens and keep our officers and citizens safe,” Mayor Taylor said. “We also have a great office staff with our city clerk/treasurer, HR court clerk, CFO, and two workers from the post office in the adjacent building who help us out when needed. They all do a good job. We also have good employees in the street and sanitation departments. They are working hard on clean-up. I give them the leadership and the tools they need to make the city better.”

Gosnell has a population of 2,910. A new subdivision is under construction.

“Our little city took a hard hit when the base closed,” Mayor Taylor said. “We have people who are wanting to move back into our city. I hope we can continue to grow and improve. We have a good school and a wonderful town. I chose to move here and make Gosnell my home 23 years ago. I raised my sons here and this is home.”

Some of Mayor Taylor’s goals include recruiting a grocery store and a restaurant or two.

“With the Cold War Museum at the base and the new industries coming to the area, I can see a lot of growth.”

Mayor Taylor also expressed his appreciation to the county for a grant they received to help with streets in the new subdivision. He said Judge Nelson is very good to work with him on helping meet any needs they can.

“I have a good network with the other mayors in the county,” he said. “I appreciate that. We are all part of Mississippi County.

“I have met with some challenges and they have not all been fun but I have no regrets about serving as mayor of Gosnell. I am looking forward to many years to come of serving the people and watching Gosnell continue to grow. We all want a safe, secure place to live and raise our kids.”

The city council meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at city hall. The meetings are open to the public. At the end of each meeting, citizens are allowed to ask questions or make comments.

“This is their city,” Mayor Taylor said. “If they have concerns, we want to hear them. I work for them.”
