December 13, 2023

A new U.S. Government Accountability (GAO) study released in response to a request from U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Congressman Chris Smith (R-N.J.) reveal that nearly $2 billion in federal taxpayer funding has been funneled to big abortion providers between FY2019-FY2021...

A new U.S. Government Accountability (GAO) study released in response to a request from U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Congressman Chris Smith (R-N.J.) reveal that nearly $2 billion in federal taxpayer funding has been funneled to big abortion providers between FY2019-FY2021.

Planned Parenthood received $1.78 billion, which includes $90.4 million that the organization illegally siphoned via the Paycheck Protection Program. Additionally, International Planned Parenthood Federation received $2.03 million, MSI Reproductive Choices received $1.35 million, and four domestic regional abortion providers received $107.74 million.

“It is appalling that big abortion providers are continuing to receive billions of dollars in federal taxpayer funding,” said Senator Blackburn. “While small businesses struggled to make ends meet during the pandemic, Planned Parenthood illegally siphoned over $90 million from the Paycheck Protection Program, specifically designed to help our mom and pop shops keep their doors open. The American people want their tax dollars spent responsibly and in line with our nation’s values — not on the Left’s abortion-on-demand agenda. I will never stop fighting to protect the unborn and end taxpayer-funded support for the abortion industry.”

JONESBORO, Ar, Dec. 7, 2023 — The American Red Cross is partnering with the East Arkansas Family Health Center to help increase access to quality healthcare for individuals in Mississippi County. The partnership was born out of the Red Cross’ new Community Adaptation Program.  The program’s goal is to help communities become more resilient by providing local organizations with the resources needed to increase access to health and mental health services, nutritious food and safe housing for local families who are underserved and at risk from the worsening climate crisis.

Through this partnership, the Red Cross recently donated a wheelchair-accessible transport van to help EAFHC shuttle patients to and from appointments. Nearly 50% of EAFHC patients surveyed had missed appointments due to transportation issues.

“East Arkansas Family Health Center is providing an essential service here in Mississippi County and this vehicle is crucial to ensuring the patients they serve have safe and reliable transportation to and from their medical appointments,” said Matt Henry, Red Cross Community Adaptation Program Manager.

East Arkansas Family Health Center offers affordable health services based on patients’ income and is available whether insured or not.

“Our partnership with the Red Cross helps to improve the access to quality healthcare for our patients who struggle to make appointments due to unreliable or no transportation,” said Lovetta McKinney, EAFHC office manager.

Earlier this year, through the Community Adaptation Program, the Red Cross provided a box truck to the Help Center Food Pantry, run by the First Baptist Church Frenchman's Bayou in south Mississippi County to assist with food pickup and deliveries to local area communities. With the addition of the truck, The Help Center has increased their distribution to more than 100 families per month plus they have been contacted by the local food bank multiple times regarding produce that is available to them between normal distributions. This has allowed them to provide additional produce boxes to families beyond normal distribution days and has occurred multiple times with over 100 families being assisted each time.
