Manila Mayor Tracey Reinhart and council members welcomed Southworth Products director of manufacturing Kerry Pugh. Pugh gave an update on the company and discussed plans for expansion.
Pugh said Southworth has been part of the community for 45 years. He expressed his appreciation for the partnership the company and the city have had through the years.
“Part of our key performance is being good community citizens,” Pugh said. “We want you to know we are stronger and healthier than ever. We have a good workforce and want to be involved in the community if it is helping with scoreboards, baseball courts, chili cook-off or other events. We have a solid Works program at the high school with one of our employees teaching the class.”
He went on to say that 63 percent of the promotions of the company come from internal candidates. The company offers good pay and benefits to the employees.
“We also like to do things for our employees,” Pugh said. “We gave our employees an annual membership to the zoo and all of the families enjoyed a day at the zoo together.
“We are growing and have plans to expand.”
Southworth is a global company and is the largest manufacturer of ergonomic materials handling equipment for vertical lifting not only in the U.S. but the world.
The city had previously approved selling Southworth six acres for a solar field. Pugh explained that the company needed more acres for a large expansion. There is a need for a total of 15 acres more or less, for the expansion.
He said they are wanting to consolidate four buildings and are working on expansion plans.
The council agreed unanimously to sell the company the additional acres at the same price as they had agreed for the six acres, $12,000 per acre.
Pugh said the CEO James Cabot and family has a huge relationship with the city.
Mayor Reinhart expressed the city’s appreciation to Southworth.
“Southworth has a footprint throughout the community,” Mayor Reinhart said.
Alicia Rounsavall, volunteer with the Mississippi County Literacy Council, spoke briefly to the city leaders about the program. They have eight tutor volunteers in Manila who are ready to help adults improve their reading skills, basic math, English as a second language, and life skills such as budgeting.
Rounsavall is a retired teacher and has been a resident of Manila for about a year.
“I am excited about the program and helping people,” she said. “We will be using the library to meet but hopefully we eventually have a space of our own.”
The classes are free and personalized to the needs of the participants.
Following an executive session with no action taken, bids were opened for concrete work and overhead doors for the expansion of the fire station.
Bids were opened and reviewed. Sawney Construction bid for $171,000 was approved for the concrete work. The work included concrete between the two buildings and two additional concrete pads. Work will begin immediately.
Three bids were submitted for the bay doors. The council voted to accept the Overhead Door Company of Northeast Arkansas bid at $69,877.
Mayor Reinhart said the city had applied for and will be getting $300,000 from the state for street paving which will take place in the spring.
“There are some odds and ends that we need to take care of now,” Mayor Reinhart said.
Several areas in need include the corner of Davison and Bunch Street, near Alma and Haywood, the end of Reinhart Lane, two streets of the Nunnally Subdivision, Medical Drive to Delta Clinic, and Roger Lane at the end of Davison Street. He estimated the cost to be $150,000 and said the street fund has the money.
The council voted to authorize Mayor Reinhart to work with Riley Company for paving up to $150,000.
Mayor Reinhart said the work on the ball field was underway. The city and the school are sharing the cost.
SkyCops have been ordered.
“They would have been very beneficial over the weekend as the park restrooms were vandalized,” Mayor said. “We will be locking the bathrooms because of the damage that will need some major repairs.”
The police department is investigating the vandalism.
Mayor Reinhart finished his address thanking Nucor and the Chamber of Commerce for the clean-up project.
He also commended the Lions Club for the chili cook-off and congratulated the Manila High School volleyball team for their successful season.
In other business:
–Council approved a millage resolution for a total of 5 mills which is no change from last year.
–The council passed a water rate ordinance. City Attorney Wes Wagner explained the council voted to increase the water rate in February but failed to pass an ordinance. Mayor Reinhart explained the rates had to be raised to qualify for the loan the city needed for a new water well. This is not an additional raise.
–A resolution was passed to allow E-transactions and electronic transfers by the city treasurer Carla Brewer with Mayor Reinhart’s approval. Reinhart said there will not be a lot of transfers but the city needs the ordinance in place.
–Another ordinance was passed to reflect the salary increases for the elected mayor and clerk passed in August. Attorney Wagner said they had been informed by the auditors that an ordinance is required.
–Cleaning of the clear well was discussed. Water superintendent Danny Davis and the mayor said they will meet to finalize the plans. Davis also said he would be cutting through Olympia Street to connect sewer for four new houses but it would be patched as quickly as possible.