October 4, 2023

Friday, Oct. 6, Saturday, Oct. 7: –Miss Riverside Pageant, 2023-2024, Tiny Tot, Pre-K and kindergarten; Tiny Miss, 1-3 grades, on Friday. Saturday pageant will be Little Miss, 4-6 grades; Junior Miss, 7-9th grades; and Senior Miss, 10th-12th grades...

Friday, Oct. 6, Saturday, Oct. 7:

–Miss Riverside Pageant, 2023-2024, Tiny Tot, Pre-K and kindergarten; Tiny Miss, 1-3 grades, on Friday. Saturday pageant will be Little Miss, 4-6 grades; Junior Miss, 7-9th grades; and Senior Miss, 10th-12th grades.

– The Armorel School District will hold its Fall Festival on Saturday. The festival will be held from 2-4 p.m. in the gym parking lot. There will be food, drinks and games. The elementary and church lots are to be used for parking.

–Manila Lions Club will host the 36th annual Big Lake Chili-Cook-off with chili, vendors, entertainment and much more. Vendors are welcome. Chili teams entry fee and vendor fees will be $25. First, second and third cash prizes will be awarded by People’s Choice. Contact Mark Wheeler, 870-919-8685; or Christie Patterson at 870-623-3100; manilaarlionsclub@gmail.com for more information. A car show has been added to this year’s event.

–There will be an active shooter response training for houses of worship beginning at 9 a.m. It will be held at the First Missionary Baptist Church, 600 East McHaney, in Blytheville. It is a free training but limited to two members per church. It is sponsored by the Mississippi County, Arkansas Economic Opportunity Commission, Inc. Any church in Mississippi County is welcome to participate. For more information or to register, call 870-776-1054 and ask for Blanton Jones or Clark Phillips.

Tuesday, Oct. 10

–The Haven of NEA will hold a Candlelight Prayer Vigil at 6 p.m. at the Osceola Courthouse steps. The courthouse is located at 200 West Hale Eve.

Thursday, Oct. 12:

–Mississippi County retired school personnel will meet at noon at the Blytheville Public Library. Dr. Tommy Wagner, guest speaker, will talk on legislative changes.

Friday and Saturday, Oct 13-14:

–The 40th annual Wild Duck Festival at the Trumann Recreational Sports Complex at 16179 Pecan Grove Road. A carnival will run for three days beginning on Thursday. There will be lots of vendors, entertainment and more. Information and vendor applications are available at the Trumann Area Chamber of Commerce, 870-4833-5424, info@trumannchamber.org.

Saturday, Oct. 14:

–The 42nd annual Blytheville Chili Cook-off will be held from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the historic downtown area. Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy the day. For more information, contact www.mainstreetblytheville.com; director@mainstreetblytheville.com; 870-763-2525.

–Family Movie Night at The Melody Theater, 301 S. Main St, Leachville at 7 p.m. Call 888-7-MELODY (888-763-5639) for film title and complete details. All of their movies are free, but voluntary donations (suggested $5 per person) to help cover the cost of the event are appreciated.

–The Haven will host its 5K Run/Walk against domestic violence beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Walker Park in Blytheville. Register at www.runsignup.com or on-site registration will begin at 7:30 a.m.

Sunday, Oct. 15:

–Zion Rock Missionary Baptist Church in Portageville, Mo., will be celebrating its 100th church anniversary on Oct. 15 at 2:30 p.m. Pastor Raymond Roberson from the Life of Faith Christian Center (of Lavergne, Tenn.) will be the special guest for the celebration.

Reverend Robert L. Dennis, pastor of Zion Rock Missionary Baptist Church, will also be in attendance. Come and be blessed! Tickets may be purchased at AlmostElton.com under the “Events” tab at the top of the website.

Saturday, Oct. 21:

–The Pemiscot Sheriff's office plans to host a ladies' day at the shooting range on Saturday, Oct. 21 starting at 9 a.m. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be served for lunch. The .22 caliber pistols and ammo will be furnished. Guests are advised if they have their guns, they may bring them. There will also be an archery activity. Attorney Jim Dereign plans to cook wilderness stew and cobbler on the fire. The event will be located on Industrial Drive by the Steele Airport. This is a free event.

–New Harmony Baptist Church, 2138 No. CR 103, Manila, will host a Fall Family Night beginning at 5 p.m. There will be a bonfire, hotdogs, chili and an outside movie. For more information about the church or the family fun night, contact Pastor Brother Lonnie Ward at 573-717-6733.
