August 23, 2023

The Blytheville City Council unanimously approved an ordinance establishing a civil penalty for false alarms during their Aug. 17 meeting at the Justice Complex. All council members were in attendance excluding council member Jacquin Benson, Jr. The ordinance reads, "that six or more false alarms within any fiscal year of the city are excessive and a public nuisance."...

B. Kay Richter

The Blytheville City Council unanimously approved an ordinance establishing a civil penalty for false alarms during their Aug. 17 meeting at the Justice Complex. All council members were in attendance excluding council member Jacquin Benson, Jr.

The ordinance reads, "that six or more false alarms within any fiscal year of the city are excessive and a public nuisance."

Civil penalties will be assessed after the sixth false alarm. The first penalty will be $25, the second is $50 and the third penalty is set for $75.

Council members also unanimously approved the second reading of new rates for wastewater and waterworks during their meeting. The new rates will not go into effect until Dec. 30 of this year.

Wastewater and waterworks will increase from the previous year and the third and final reading is expected to be passed in September.

Another ordinance approved by the council was to restrict the illegal disposal of waste and to prevent illegal dumping within the city limits. An ordinance amending the zoning of 306 N. Porter Drive was passed unanimously by the council. The reclassification of the property zones it from a PRD (planned residential development) to a classification of B-4.

A resolution terminating the agreement between the city of Blytheville and the Gosnell Regional Airport Authority was also unanimously approved by council members. The original agreement was dated back to January 2019, and council member R. L. Jones (Ward 3, Position 1) asked for a discussion regarding the termination of the contract.

City attorney Chris Brown advised that the Municipal League of Cities had recommended the contract be terminated based on the premise of a third-party agreement and liability issue.

Blytheville Mayor Melisa Logan also commented on the issue explaining that the city acted as a third party with contracting Gosnell firefighters to serve the airport. She said it would better serve the city for that contract to go directly to the firefighters themselves from the regional airport.

A resolution authorizing the donation of 14 unused portable Motorola radios to the Joiner Fire Department was also approved by the council members.

Another resolution amending the budget for the city for the current fiscal year was unanimously approved with two $20,000 increases allotted for street vehicle maintenance/repair expenses and the use of general fund surplus. The sale of seven city-owned vehicles was also authorized by the council.

A resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with Visual Edge It, Inc. was also approved - providing for an updated copier and postage machine at City Hall.

The last resolution authorized by the council before adjournment was a resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into a lease agreement with Diane Moss for the purpose of renting city property.

The store building, located at 300 W. Main Street is part of the Ritz Theatre Building. The previous rent paid by Moss was $300 per month, now her rent is $600 per month for an initial term of two years.

All council members voted to approve the lease change except for Shirley Marshall (Ward 3, Position 2).
