August 1, 2023

By REVIS BLAYLOCK NEA Town Courier Cable’s Grocery & Package located on the Arkansas/Missouri state line, will be celebrating 45 years in business with an event Aug. 11-12. The business has been at the same location since Gene Cable opened in 1978...

Cable’s owner Marty Crawford continues to make the old barbecue sauce recipe.
Cable’s owner Marty Crawford continues to make the old barbecue sauce recipe.


NEA Town Courier

Cable’s Grocery & Package located on the Arkansas/Missouri state line, will be celebrating 45 years in business with a an event Aug. 11-12.

A drawing will be held for the barbecue grill that will be given away during the 45 year celebration. Pictured are Molly Spicer and Stephanie Thompson.
A drawing will be held for the barbecue grill that will be given away during the 45 year celebration. Pictured are Molly Spicer and Stephanie Thompson.

The business has been at the same location since Gene Cable opened in 1978.

Present owner Marty Crawford joined the business in 1981 at the age of 18. His mother, Virginia, married Gene and Marty has continued the family business. The building has been remodeled and added on to five times.

Marty said barbecue was the big draw in the early days with the base customers. Also, Gosnell High School students would come for the barbecue for lunch. There were a lot of farm workers who also came for lunch.

Cable’s still offers cold cut sandwiches but does not have barbecue on a regular basis. They do cater for special occasions occasionally.

“It is fun to cook for the Gosnell school reunion,” Marty said. “I heard one woman say her first date was at Cable’s for a barbecue and they had been married for 25 years.”

Marty still makes and sells Gene’s barbecue sauce in the store. He said he uses the same old recipe and customers seem to really like it.

Marty owns a construction business but Cable’s is still very important to him. Both Gene and Virginia have passed away.

“I promised my mom I would not sell the business,” Marty said.

The staff includes manager Molly Spicer, who has been with Cable’s for 15 years; and employees Kenny Knuth, Stephanie Thompson and Amanda Walker.

The store actually opened in June but due to scheduling conflicts, the celebration will be held Aug. 11-12. There will be food, a drawing for a barbecue grill, t-shirts, and more give-a-ways.

The store is open from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday; and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Marty said he has made many friends through the years and they have always strived to keep a friendly atmosphere for their customers.

He enjoys the duck hunters who come every winter and set up their campers with their four-wheelers on his property next to the store.

“I guess they like coming here because they keep coming back,” Marty said. “We are looking forward to celebrating 45 years in business.”
