May 3, 2023

By STEVE KNOX Osceola Times The Armorel School Board will keep its same officers for another school year. The board held its monthly meeting Monday at the district administration building electing new officers, approving a budget and dealing with several personnel issues...


Osceola Times

The Armorel School Board will keep its same officers for another school year.

The board held its monthly meeting Monday at the district administration building electing new officers, approving a budget and dealing with several personnel issues.

Members present included Scott Jowers, Jeff Hollingshead, Jeff Hopper and Angela Finley.

Superintendent Tiffany Morgan indicated that it was time to elect new officers for the 2023-2034 term. A motion was made by Hopper and seconded by Finley to keep the officers the same for the new term as they were in 2022-2023. The motion was approved unanimously.

Officers for 2023-2024 will be as follows: Jowers, president; Hollingshead, vice president and Finley, secretary. Jowers will continue to serve as the Board Disbursing Officer and Eldon Carter will continue to serve as the ASBA Voting Delegate for the district.

The board also voted unanimously to approve the Special Education budget and Title VI-B application as presented by Morgan.

The board received an update on policy from the ASBA regarding the Learns Act. The board approved Morgan’s recommendation to approve this as a proposed policy.

Morgan also spoke about the PPC and sick leave changes they have proposed. Morgan asked the issue be tabled until she can get advice from legal counsel on the proposed change to the policy.

The board also was informed the 2023-2024 school calendar, previously approved by the board, had not been approved by the state as two of the snow days built in the calendar fell on a Monday. Since the district will be going to a four-day, Tuesday-Friday school week, the best way to put the snow days in is to add them to the end of the school year.

The board also approved Morgan’s recommendation to approve the classified salary schedule as presented. They did so unanimously.

The board also unanimously approved a resolution which appointed Superintendent Morgan to serve as the district representative to the Crowley’s Ridge Education Service Co-op Board of Directors. The law no longer restricts that position to district superintendents.

The board went into executive session to consider personnel. The board returned from executive session with no action being taken.

The board then upheld Superintendent Morgan’s recommendation not to renew the contract of Debbie Ramsey. The board also voted to accept the resignations of Tony Crowell, Denise Hyde, Debra Harris and Sarah Ellis. The board also approved the hire of Jacy Lindsey as EAST Facilitator at the high school. Lindsey previously served as a elementary teacher in the district.
