NEA Town Courier
New subdivisions were discussed at the February Manila City Council meeting on Monday night. Manila Mayor Tracey Reinhart introduced Bob Trout who addressed the council discussing future plans for the development of a new subdivision west of Teal Point with 52 lots which will be named PinTail Point.
Trout said the lots will be 75x200’ which are large lots by Jonesboro standards. Trout developed Sage Meadows in Jonesboro as well as many other projects in and out of state.
“We saw an opportunity in Manila,” he said. “It is a great community with a good school.”
Partners in the development with Trout are Jack Turner and Rob Spencer.
Drainage, lot size and cost of the brick homes, streets and the overall investment were discussed with the council.
“My group is happy to be here,” Trout said.
After a discussion, the council voted unanimously to approve the plans.
All council members Dale Murphy, Donnie Wagner, Jason Baltimore, Steven Milligan, William Barnhart and Bobby Tate were present.
Council also discussed and approved plans from Nate Sammons for a subdivision with 26 lots located behind Farmer’s addition. The lots along the highway will be used for commercial lots.
The council then reviewed plans from Bobby Walton to build two houses facing main street on the south end of Baltimore and two facing second street.
Because the two houses on second street would need a slight variance the council tabled approval due to the fact that other variance requests are not voted on until the information has been reported.
“We want to approve it but when others have asked for a variance we always have waited until it is reported in the newspaper,” Milligan said.
Code enforcement officer Jerry Hitchcock said it is easier to explain if the city is consistent in the process.
Councilman Murphy said they can have a special meeting and get an answer before next month’s meeting.
Mayor Reinhart said he had contacted NEA Monuments working on a memorial stone for Mayor Wayne Wagner who passed away in June. He said a stone with an etching of Mr. Wagner and a listing of his accomplishments would be placed just inside to the right of the archway of the city park. The park will be named the Wayne Wagner Memorial Park with lettering over the archway. There will also be a plaque placed at the gate in memory of Jim Berry, also. Mayor Reinhart said a local business has dedicated $2,500 toward the stone and $1,000 for a sign to be replaced at the west entrance of Manila.
Fire Chief Sonny Ray Dill addressed the council giving an update on the progress at the firehouse expansion. If the weather permits it should be in the dry in two or three weeks. He said they are looking at comparing prices for the eight doors that will be needed for the project.
Chief Dill recommended two new firefighters, Ricky Crawford and Josh Nettles. The council voted unanimously to approve both men.
Councilman Milligan said they are proud to have them join the fire department.
Chief Dill was pleased to inform the council that Nucor Corporation had donated $10,000 for equipment to the fire department. The fire department had purchased the extrication equipment at a cost $30,000 last year but $10,000 for the extrication ram was not in the budget. Dill wrote a letter to Nucor Corporation with a request and they donated the $10,000.
Dill said it is great to work with a company that gives back to the community. He went on to say eight of the Manila firefighters work at Nucor. Nucor also donated sheet metal to help equip the new rescue truck.
Steve Lancaster with the Manila Police Department has been working on a 75/25 grant for Awin radios which will help officers communicate with other departments around them. The total cost will be $58,600 with the city’s part being $14,650. The deadline to apply is Feb. 14 and he requested the council’s approval. The council approved moving forward with the grant process and thanked Lancaster for working on it.
Council voted to increase the water rates.
“No one wants to raise prices but we did not get the grant and the city is not eligible for loans unless the prices are increased,” Mayor Reinhart said.
The water well project will cost $958,000 and Reinhart said everything is 50 to 75 years old. Following a lengthy discussion, the council voted to raise the minimum from $10 to $12 and the gallon rate to put the increase at about $6.12 each.
Reinhart said the low interest loan will be applied for in March.
In other business:
–The council voted to allow Mayor Reinhart to look at the employee payscale and make improvements when they can.
–The council voted to purchase radar equipment for the police department at a cost of $10,000.
–A quote to refurbish the four ballfields was $76,060. Mayor Reinhart said the city had $52,184 of the bond money and he plans to meet with the school to see if they will partner on the project.
–The council voted to partner with the Housing Authority in purchasing equipment to help with drainage. Mayor Reinhart said the Housing Authority will purchase the machine and the city will supply the man power when needed.
–The council also voted to increase the price of the large trash cans used by city residents from $75 to $85. The cost to the city has gone up $8 each.
–The council voted to increase permit fees for construction. Manila’s fee is much lower than some of the other areas. The council voted to raise the permit fee from $225 to $350 and $50 for each trip for the plumbing, electrical and HVAC inspection for a total of $500.
–Mayor Reinhart said the old truck from the fire department used to haul trash containers to the landfill is not large enough or sturdy enough for the job. He said they have contracted with Timmy Knight for hauling until the truck is repaired. He said the city will need to look at getting a tougher truck for the job.
–Mayor Reinhart said he is looking at the ARP grants that the county may be offering to help the cities with infrastructure.
–Mayor Reinhart said the purchase of the Tate property for the water well should be ready to close on at the end of the week.
–Council adopted building coders to match the Arkansas State Codes.
–A resolution accepting the gift of the Shaneyfelt property and building that was destroyed by a fire was approved 6-0.
–The Manila City Council meets at 6 p.m. the second Monday of the month in the boardroom at the former city hall on the corner of Baltimore and Olympia.