November 26, 2022

The Leachville City Council voted to appoint Ruth Ann Keith for clerk/treasurer for 2023 at the November meeting held Monday night. Keith has served in that elected position for 18 years. No one filed to run for the position so the council had the authority to appoint a clerk/treasurer. Mayor Rodney Robertson recommended Keith to remain in the position which was approved unanimously. The council also voted to appoint Lorrie Pace as deputy clerk and Rebecca Clowers as associate clerk...

Revis Blaylock Nea Town Courier

The Leachville City Council voted to appoint Ruth Ann Keith for clerk/treasurer for 2023 at the November meeting held Monday night. Keith has served in that elected position for 18 years. No one filed to run for the position so the council had the authority to appoint a clerk/treasurer. Mayor Rodney Robertson recommended Keith to remain in the position which was approved unanimously. The council also voted to appoint Lorrie Pace as deputy clerk and Rebecca Clowers as associate clerk.

Council members present included Paul Wildy, Lisa Baldridge, Michael Webster, Drake Brown and Keith Evans.

The council voted to give year-end bonuses, before taxes, in the amount of $875 for full-time employees; $150 for part-time employees and $150 for firefighters.

Later in the meeting, Councilman Brown gave his opinion that the two police officers who also serve in the fire department should receive both bonuses.

“I feel they deserve both,” Brown said. “They are separate deals.”

The council agreed and voted unanimously in favor of Brown’s recommendation.

The Council voted to move forward with leasing a new sanitation truck. The lease on the present truck will be up in February or March and the council has the option to purchase the truck or trade it in for a new one. All of the council members voted to go with a new one. Mayor Robertson said they will check on the best interest rates.

They also voted to repair a dumpster in the amount up to $1,400. Robert Ballard, maintenance supervisor, said a new one would cost $2,000 but it will take at least eight weeks to get it in.

“It will be like a new one when it is repaired,” Ballard said.

The old can be repaired in two weeks. Ballard also said they will need to look at repairing a backhoe in the near future.

Brown gave an update on the fire department informing the council the rescue truck has been outfitted for a brush truck. He went on to say the truck needs new tires to be able to do the work they plan to use it for.

The council voted to purchase the tires at a cost of $1,260.

Mayor Robertson announced the annual Christmas parade will be held on Monday, Nov. 28 followed by a Christmas Sing-a-long at the Melody Theater.

“I loved seeing people going into the Melody for movies again,” Baldridge said.

“There was a good turn out for the last round of movies,” Robertson said. “We had some good sponsors. We will try to continue getting sponsors to help offer movies to the public.

In other business:

–The council voted for the five mill tax the city receives to remain for maintenance and operation. Keith said it has been used there for at least 14 years.

–A working budget meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 5.

–Mayor Robertson and the council commended the two officers, Chuck Davis and Nathan Parnell, for completing the 13-week police academy.

–Police Chief Alan Austin said the SkyCop has been in the park for over a month and there has been no vandalism or fighting. The littering problem is also better. He also said the cage for the police truck is in and has been installed. He added his congratulations to the officers for completing the academy. He said all of the officers are happy to be returning to their regular shifts.

–Ballard announced he plans to flush hydrants Dec. 5-9. It can cause some temporary discoloration of water.

–Leachville will again have the Christmas lighting contest with the prizes being the same as last year.

–The tornado siren grant was received and the siren has been ordered. It should be here by mid-December.

–The city should know about the grant to upgrade the water tower in the amount of $300,000 by mid-December. Robertson said if it is approved, the city will have to match 25 percent. It will be used to clean and add a mixer to the water towers. Ballard said this has to be done every 10 years.

–Robertson said the construction of Dollar General is coming along, and they are needing workers. It should be open in December. “We are looking forward to getting it open,” Robertson said.

–The regular Leachville City Council meetings are held the third Monday of each month in the boardroom at City Hall starting at 7 p.m.
