November 19, 2022

By REVIS BLAYLOCK NEA Town Courier Manila City Council hired a CID officer and approved the purchase of tasers for the police department and approved employee bonuses at the Monday, Nov. 14 meeting. Acting mayor Wendell Poteet said Police Chief Jackie Hill had recommended hiring Nick Carmichael as CID officer...


NEA Town Courier

Manila City Council hired a CID officer and approved the purchase of tasers for the police department and approved employee bonuses at the Monday, Nov. 14 meeting.

Acting mayor Wendell Poteet said Police Chief Jackie Hill had recommended hiring Nick Carmichael as CID officer.

Council voted unanimously to add Carmichael to the police department. Council members present included Poteet, Dale Murphy, Donnie Wagner, Steven Milligan, and William Barnhart. Jason Baltimore was absent.

The council approved the purchase of six tasers for the police department at a cost of $1,229.94.

The council voted to promote Carla Brewer to assistant clerk/treasurer with a $2.50 an hour increase.

“We are glad Mrs. Cathy, (city treasurer) is back but while she was off on medical leave, Carla really stepped up,” Milligan said.

Council approved employee bonuses for full time at $1,500 and half for part-time employees. The amount for employees with less than six months will be prorated. Members of the fire department will receive the same as last year.

The council discussed a request made at the last meeting to allow a family to live in a camper on 722 West Olympia Street until a house could be built.

Councilman Poteet suggested the variance be allowed with a deadline of April 1, 2023, when the residents would have to show proof of the progress of building. It was also brought up about a possible 6” water line that may be on the property. Danny Davis, water/sewer manager, said he would check on it.

“A building cannot be constructed over a city water line,” Davis said. “We can’t help what was done in 1926 but we have to make sure there is room for a foundation.”

The city attorney Wes Wagner said the trailer is in violation of the ordinance but the council has the right to give waivers case by case.

Following a discussion, a motion was made by Milligan to not grant the variance and was seconded by Barnhart.

Donnie Wagner pointed out others are living in trailers while building homes.

“We should make decisions using common sense,” Councilman Wagner said.

Wagner cast the only vote to allow the variance.

Greg Smith presented a quote, at the Oct. meeting, for needed work on the concession/restaurant kitchen at the park to bring the make-up air system to code and put in an insulated backsplash. The quote was $16,000. The council asked for additional quotes.

Smith said he had contacted four other companies, and was waiting on one quote for materials. Two companies do not do the installation. Another did not care to give a quote.

Following a discussion, the council voted to move forward with Brasco, who gave the initial quote for the make-up air system and insulated backsplash.

Later in the meeting, the council approved Smith to compare the price of adding the make-up air system to installing a complete new system.

“It may be quicker and easier to install a whole new system,” Smith said. “I will check.”

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