October 14, 2022

Early voting for the November election is set to begin on Oct. 24 and continue through Nov.7. In addition to the local races, four statewide issues will be listed on the ballot for Arkansas residents to vote upon. Issue number one would give state legislators the authority to call special meetings of the legislature at any time. ...

Marcus Mcclain Nea Town Courier

Early voting for the November election is set to begin on Oct. 24 and continue through Nov.7. In addition to the local races, four statewide issues will be listed on the ballot for Arkansas residents to vote upon.

Issue number one would give state legislators the authority to call special meetings of the legislature at any time. Currently, under the state constitution, only the governor has the authority to do so. The proposal was introduced by state lawmakers and would amend Section 5 of Article 5 of the state constitution. Under the amendment, a special session could be called with two-thirds or more of the House of Representatives and Senate signing a written proclamation. In total, this would take 67 signatures from Arkansas representatives and 24 signatures from the state senators. A session could also be called if the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate jointly decide to convene lawmakers. Senator Breanne Davis, of Russellville, and Rep. Frances Cavenaugh, of Walnut Ridge, are listed as sponsors of this proposal. If approved, the measure would go into effect on Nov. 9.

Currently, legislators meet in odd numbered years beginning in January for the regular session. These sessions last a minimum of 60 days and can be extended by a vote from lawmakers. Fiscal sessions are held in even numbed years and have lasted between 17 and 38 days in the past.

State legislators also proposed Issue number two, which would increase the votes needed to pass statewide ballot issues. Currently, only a simple majority is required. This issue would raise the required voting percentage to 60 % for amendments introduced by citizen groups as well as the legislature. If approved, the changes would take effect on New Years Day for the net statewide election in 2024.

Issue number three is identified as the Religious Freedom Amendment. If approved, the issue further prohibits state and local governments from burdening the practice of religion. It also provides a legal claim in court for a person to seek relief against the government imposing on this freedom. The only exception within the issue is “unless the government shows a compelling reason to do so and acts in the least restrictive way”. The issue defines a “compelling governmental interest” as those pertaining to public education, national defense or area of mutual concern. Senator Jason Rapert, of Conway, and Rep. Jimmy Gazaway, of Paragould, were listed as the main sponsors of the proposal. If approved, the amendment would take effect on Nov. 9 of his year.

Ballot issue number four pertains to the legalization of marijuana in the state of Arkansas. If passed, adults, age 21 and older, would be able to legally hold up to one ounce of marijuana, even outside of medical purposes.

Additionally, medical marijuana cardholders would be able to legally purchase non-medical marijuana without that amount counting toward how much that can be purchased for medical reasons.

The issue would allow licensed cardholders to grow, manufacture/process, sell and deliver to dispensaries for non-medical purposes. The 40 current dispensaries would be given a license to sell for non-medical purposes. Also, they would be given a second license to sell at a second location at least five miles away from the current location. The issue is sponsored by Responsible Growth Arkansas. The group collected 190,000 signatures from residents across the state in support of legalizing marijuana and getting the issue on the ballot.

Opposition of the issue includes the Family Council Action Committee. The group began a 26-city tour throughout the state on Oct. 7 in Blytheville. The organization, along with executive director Jerry Cox believes that the measure will advance drug addictions throughout the state. Additionally, in their kickoff press release, Cox argued that the issue writes “an unrestricted marijuana monopoly into the Arkansas Constitution.” They reached this conclusion believing that local governments such as city councils and quorum courts will have no power to regulate sales. However, according to the University of Arkansas’s Division of Agriculture Research and Extension, local governments could prohibit dispensaries within their limits with a prohibition in a local election. Additionally, as part of dispensaries licensing requirements, they are prohibited form opening a new location within 1,500 feet of a public or private school, church or daycare.

The research and extension division also confirmed that consumer would pay city, county and state sale taxes when purchasing non-medical marijuana. Additionally, the current 6.5 percent state sales tax will also apply. Customers could also be subject to an additional 10 percent state sales tax on non-medical purchases. The state general fund will receive 70 percent of the generated tax revenue. Another 15 percent will be set aside to pay an annual stipend to the law enforcement officers who are certified and in good standing with the Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training. The University of Arkansas for Medical Services will receive 10 percent fund operations. UAMS currently receives funding from a 4 percent special excise tax on medical marijuana sales that would be eliminated if the issued is approved. The remaining 5 percent of sales tax revenue would be to fund drug court programs authorized by the Arkansas Drug Court.

General election day is set for Nov. 8. To locate election sites, voters can visit sos.arkansas.gov
