August 23, 2022

By REVIS BLAYLOCK NEA Town Courier Bishop Randy Crenshaw has been spreading the Stop the Violence message throughout Blytheville for 12 years. Anti-bullying is part of the overall program and Bishop Crenshaw took that message to Blytheville Elementary School last week...

Principal Shayla Benson and Assistant Principal Brooke Aldridge and several students welcomed Bishop Randy Crenshaw to Blytheville Elementary School.
Principal Shayla Benson and Assistant Principal Brooke Aldridge and several students welcomed Bishop Randy Crenshaw to Blytheville Elementary School.


NEA Town Courier

Bishop Randy Crenshaw has been spreading the Stop the Violence message throughout Blytheville for 12 years. Anti-bullying is part of the overall program and Bishop Crenshaw took that message to Blytheville Elementary School last week.

He spoke to the third, fourth and fifth grade students encouraging them to be part of the solution.

Principal Shayla Benson and assistant principal Brooke Aldridge welcomed Bishop Crenshaw and the students to the morning assembly reminding them that Blytheville Elementary School is a no bullying zone.

Bishop Crenshaw expressed to the young students they are the future. He had them repeat the words, “I am the Future,” several times.

“You can be anything you want to be in life,” Crenshaw said.

He went on to give them a definition of bullying which includes threats, verbally or physically.

“If you are being bullied, tell somebody,” he said. “If you are being forced to do anything, tell someone. Bullying is wrong and the message is to tell somebody, a teacher, the principal, or a coach. Bullying will not be tolerated. You are smart and each one of you is unique and made special.”

He also spoke to them about using their cell phones responsibly, the importance of coming to school to learn and alway doing their best.
