June 15, 2022

By REVIS BLAYLOCK NEA Town Courier The Manila City Council met in a special called meeting Friday to accept the resignation of its police chief. The council accepted the resignation of Manila Chief of Police Chris Hill with council member Wendell Poteet presiding in the absence of Mayor Wayne Wagner...


NEA Town Courier

The Manila City Council met in a special called meeting Friday to accept the resignation of its police chief.

The council accepted the resignation of Manila Chief of Police Chris Hill with council member Wendell Poteet presiding in the absence of Mayor Wayne Wagner.

Chief Hill’s last day with the Manila department was June 1. He has taken a position with the Mississippi County Sheriff’s Department.

Poteet informed the council the department will be one officer short. Also, an officer is going on vacation on Monday which will reduce the force for a week.

Calling the county to see if they can help if needed was discussed as well as using extra part-time officers available for the week.

Manila has four police officers, Joni Isebell, Hunter Holt, Keith Hill and Kasey Shepard.

Captain Isebell said it would be tough with only three officers for the week.

The council took no action following an executive session to discuss police personnel.

Discussion was held on hiring an auxiliary officer to be at the park during ball games and looking at curfews at the park. Presently, the city curfew is 11 p.m. Sunday-Thursday and midnight on Friday and Saturday.

Council asked Captain Isebell to check the cameras at the park to see if the person or persons vandalizing the park can be identified.

Poteet said he had been contacted by a resident wanting to use the Lions Club stage for a benefit Hot Mess Fest on June 25 at the park. He told her he would need to discuss a festival with the city council.

“It may be a good thing, but we just don’t know much about it,” Poteet said.

Following a discussion, it was decided to not permit the festival to be held at the city park.

“If anyone wants to do a festival or a public activity at the park, they need to come to the council with plans and information,” Councilman Jason Baltimore said. “The request needs to be made well in advance.”

In addition to Councilmen Poteet and Baltimore, also present were William Barnhart, Steven Milligan and Donnie Wagner.
