By Marcus McClain
NEA Town Courier
The Blytheville City Council approved an ordinance amending city regulations for privileged licenses during their May 17 meeting.
Under the new amendment, the violation fine minimums were raised from $25 to $50, with a maximum of $500. Additionally, each day of violation can be deemed a separate offense. In the event that the city council sees fit to revoke a license, the city collector is authorized to serve notice to the licensee on the council’s intentions.
To receive a formal review from the council, licensees must file a written request with the city clerk’s office within ten days. Upon that request, a review will be conducted at the next regular or special meeting.
As in the previous ordinance, occupation license fee and employer fees are to be paid in six month periods. Fees must be paid in full by the first day of February and August each year. Late fees of 10 percent will be applied if initial fees aren't paid within 30 days of the due date. An additional 10 percent late fee will be added at 60 and 90 days following the due date. Upon being 90 days late, the city can proceed to revoke the license as well.
The council also voted to amend the speed bump ordinance concerning the application requirements. Previously, requests for speed bumps included a petition with signatures from 75 percent of residents on the street in question.
In the previous Public Works committee meeting, questions about renter making permanent decisions within the neighborhoods.
“If 50 percent of the people living on that street are renting, they could live there for a month, move away, and they’ve made this permanent decision for the street that they don’t live with anymore,” committee chair Matt Perrin said in the previous meeting.
With the new amendment, signatures from the homeowners/landlords would be required to make up the petition. This amendment was also passed with no opposition.
The council also voted all in favor to close the railroad crossing at Chickasawba Street. BNSF agreed to pay the city $50,000 and will be responsible for removing the crossing surfaces and crossbuck signs. The city will be responsible for the end-of-road treatment.
Both council and committee meetings were held at the Justice Complex courtroom for the month while repairs are being made to the Ritz Center roof.