May 7, 2022

By REVIS BLAYLOCK NEA Town Courier Mississippi County Sanitation and Solid Waste Committee discussed moving forward with the installation of a credit card system for payments at the Wednesday meeting. Chair Justice Neil Burge opened the meeting giving a financial report of the landfill budget for the 2022 year commenting the landfill is doing well. He said the landfill is well within the first three months of 2022...


NEA Town Courier

Mississippi County Sanitation and Solid Waste Committee discussed moving forward with the installation of a credit card system for payments at the Wednesday meeting.

Chair Justice Neil Burge opened the meeting giving a financial report of the landfill budget for the 2022 year commenting the landfill is doing well. He said the landfill is well within the first three months of 2022.

He went on to say $500,000 had been transferred to a CD giving the landfill $1 million in CDs and a cash balance of $573,823.69. He also said the revised collection action is working well.

A credit card system for payments at the landfill had been discussed previously and Justice Burge said Peggy Meatte, treasurer, had researched information and the Forte company had been recommended. There is a $500 set upcharge and that includes setting it up and making sure everything is working.

“I think this is the best way to go,” Justice Burge said. “We can take $500 out of a line item already in the budget. I think everyone seemed to be in favor of installing the system and I don’t see any problem moving forward with it.”

The system will take debit and credit cards and they are going to look into ACH payments. The charges for using cards will be 2.9 percent with a minimum of $2.20 which will be paid by the customers.

Justice Burge asked Meatte and Kelli Jones, finance director, to move forward on the project and if there are any problems or questions, they can get back with the committee.

Insurance committee meeting:

The Sanitation and Solid Waste committee meeting was followed by the Insurance committee meeting with Chair Justice Reggie Cullom opening the meeting.

A zoom meeting was held with Dave Nichol representing Performance Health, the company that has been negotiating settlements for unpaid insurance claims from 2019 when carrier, Gerber Insurance, defaulted.

Mississippi County, along with eight other state counties, filed a suit and a settlement agreement was reached through arbitration.

Justice Cullom asked for an update.

Nichol said he was not sure about the latest spreadsheet and would need to verify what is accurate. On the larger claims he was waiting on a signed agreement for the 50 percent payment acceptance.

Judge John Nelson said they had spoken two weeks ago and the county is ready to take care of this and move on.

“In the future, you can communicate with the finance department,” Judge Nelson said. “The county will explore our options on what we can do and we will be in touch with you.”

When Nichols asked for clarification, Judge Nelson said the process is not progressing as they had planned. At previous meetings and Wednesday’s meeting, the Judge and Justices have voiced their desire to have the claims paid.

“We are not asking you to stop any progress you are making,” Judge Nelson said. “There is no point in having these meetings. You can finish up with Kelli.”

Following the zoom meeting, Justice Cullom said ‘no one in this group is at fault’.

“I have battled insurance companies for 49 years and have not won yet,” Justice Cullom said.

Justice Cullom recommended getting someone knowledgeable to represent the county in reviewing insurance options.

“We need to find someone knowledgeable in insurance and looking out for the county’s best interest,”

Judge Nelson agreed saying when they choose the next insurance company they will need to make sure it is licensed with the Arkansas Department of Insurance.
