March 5, 2022

I’ve always believed in the adage, “bloom where you’re planted until God moves you.” Today is my last edition as a member of the Courier team. I’ve been fortunate to work for a truly family-oriented company, Rust Communications, during my first 23 years in the newspaper business. Days after graduating college, the Dexter, Mo. Daily Statesman took a chance on me as a reporter and sports editor...

I’ve always believed in the adage, “bloom where you’re planted until God moves you.”

Today is my last edition as a member of the Courier team. I’ve been fortunate to work for a truly family-oriented company, Rust Communications, during my first 23 years in the newspaper business. Days after graduating college, the Dexter, Mo. Daily Statesman took a chance on me as a reporter and sports editor.

I later transferred to the then Trumann Democrat as editor for a brief stint before coming home to Blytheville when receiving the call from late publisher David Tennyson to fill his sports editor opening at the Blytheville Courier News. Little did I know at the time that I would one day lead his newspaper operation and oversee his two weeklies as Village News Inc. general manager.

For the last 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of serving as watchdog at my hometown paper; it doesn’t get much better than that for a newspaper man.

I’ll always cherish the relationships created from this job and the many wonderful memories.

I have a heart for service, and my bosses have always accommodated with a flexible schedule to allow me to pitch in on community projects.

The old saying is true: if you enjoy your work, you never work a day in your life. Don’t take for granted being able to do something you love even if it feels like a grind at times. It’s hard to beat being paid to do something fulfilling.

On Monday I begin the next chapter at the Arkansas Catholic newspaper.

It’s an opportunity to take my faith to a new level in several respects.

God has created ways where there seemed to be no path time and time again.

I can look back and see circumstances and events where the only explanation is He intervened to make the humanly unthinkable come to fruition – personally and professionally.

In the dark times, when there seemed to be no hope, somehow things worked out through prayer and faith.

A season of success always followed. Tests became testimonies.

God has blessed me much more than I deserve, and I look forward to serving Him in whatever role He has for me in the future.

I have no doubt that this newspaper will be in good hands, though I’ll leave it to the powers that be to announce how they are moving forward.

I’d like to thank the readers, advertisers and all who have supported and continue to support the newspaper.

May God bless you all.
