December 31, 2021

Christopher Perry of Blytheville has been fishing for a long time but his recent catch exceeded his expectations. The 81-0pound Flathead has been cleaned and eaten but he has the pictures and video to prove his fish story. The giant fish measured 49” and was caught on Oct. 31 at the Mississippi River on a rod and reel...

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Christopher Perry of Blytheville has been fishing for a long time but his recent catch exceeded his expectations.

The 81-0pound Flathead has been cleaned and eaten but he has the pictures and video to prove his fish story.

The giant fish measured 49” and was caught on Oct. 31 at the Mississippi River on a rod and reel.

It took him about eight minutes to pull it onto the bank. Perry said he knew the fish was there, had even gotten close to catching it once before but did not realize just how large it really was.

Several days before the catch he had fished for 12 hours that night and had caught a six inch channel cat. He had left it on a stringer in the water. When he went back to get the fish, it felt heavier than he thought. He said he had no idea the big fish had swallowed his fish. When he got a look at the large fish he jumped in and tried to catch him but he got away from his grasp.

“I went home frustrated about the big one that got away thinking no one is going to believe my story,” Perry said.

Perry was determined and went back to the same spot three days in a row. He fished but did not catch anything. He took a day off and returned, fishing 12 hours, he caught a 19” drum, baited the reel with the drum and about sun-up, he noticed the rod and reel tilted toward the river.

“I thought it was a snag and started reeling it in,” Perry said. “It resisted and started tugging back and the fight was on. It took awhile but I knew I had him and thanks to a net I managed to get him on the bank. The size was unbelievable. I got it all on my Go Pro.”

He was fishing from the bank and had about eight fishing lines spread across a 60 yard area and his determination paid off.

He said after the catch, he saw a fish tail come out of water that was even bigger than the 81 pounder and he has been working on catching the bigger one.

Up until his latest catch, the largest fish he had caught weighed 53 pounds. He is determined to keep beating his own record and hopefully come up with a state record. He is getting closer.

When he is not working, he likes to fish, sometimes fishing all night. Since catching the 81 pound fish, the largest one he has caught was 20 pounds. It looked very small in comparison.

Perry’s patience and love of fishing will eventually pay off with an even bigger catch.
