December 29, 2021

Manila Mayor Wayne Wagner called a special meeting on Monday afternoon with council members Jason Baltimore, William Barnhart, Donnie Wagner, Steven Milligan, and Wendell Poteet present. Not present was Dale Murphy. The council went into executive session to discuss personnel but no action was taken...

Manila Mayor Wayne Wagner called a special meeting on Monday afternoon with council members Jason Baltimore, William Barnhart, Donnie Wagner, Steven Milligan, and Wendell Poteet present. Not present was Dale Murphy.

The council went into executive session to discuss personnel but no action was taken.

Following the executive session, Mayor Wagner said a lot of positive projects for Manila are planned for 2022.  He expressed his appreciation to water/sewer supervisor Danny Davis and his crew for working on a sewer problem on Christmas Eve.

He announced the Jan. 17 meeting will be held at the renovated conference room at the old city hall at 6 p.m. Prior to the meeting there will be a ribbon-cutting at 5 p.m. with city and county officials invited. The old city hall building now houses the Manila Police Department and the State Revenue office. The new city hall is located in the former Southern Bancorp bank building on Baltimore Street.

Mayor Wagner gave the council members a list of potential projects, including street pavings, to review and discuss at the January meeting.

It was also announced the Municipal League meeting will be held Jan. 19, 20 and 21.
