July 31, 2021

Mississippi County Quorum Court worked through a lengthy agenda Tuesday at the July  meeting, approving several measures and hearing reports. Mississippi County Judge John Alan Nelson presided at the meeting with nine of the 11 Justices present. Justices present included Rick Ash, Cecil McDonald, Harbans Mangat, Betty Hepler, Michael White, Tobye McClanahan, Neil Burge, JoAnn Henton and Reggie Cullom. Justices not present were Aaron Fleeman and Molly Jackson...

Mississippi County Quorum Court worked through a lengthy agenda Tuesday at the July  meeting, approving several measures and hearing reports.

Mississippi County Judge John Alan Nelson presided at the meeting with nine of the 11 Justices present. Justices present included Rick Ash, Cecil McDonald, Harbans Mangat, Betty Hepler, Michael White, Tobye McClanahan, Neil Burge, JoAnn Henton and Reggie Cullom. Justices not present were Aaron Fleeman and Molly Jackson.

County treasurer Peggy Meatte gave an overview of the financial report, commenting June was the best June sales tax month in 10 years and it looks like this month will be the best July. She added, “As of today, the balances are in good shape.”

Justice Ash gave the committee reports for the Energy and Property committee meetings held June 29 and July 13. Topics discussed included the x-ray machines for the courthouse bids, which came in higher than budgeted, but Justice Ash said they have received a new quote for about $35,000. The machine will handle up to the size of a brief case or a large purse. Osceola businessman Ed Harshman attended the meeting to discuss the copper at the Osceola Courthouse dome saying it looked like it had been caulked instead of welded. He also questioned if all of the old copper was accounted for.

Justice Ash said the elevator for the Blytheville Courthouse should be delivered on Wednesday and it will be the middle of September before it is installed. The architect was present at the meeting and said he was happy with the project but did think it is behind schedule.

“Justice Jackson informed me there has been a lot of work done over the last two weeks,” Justice Ash said.

Justice Cullom said several of his constituents have expressed concerns on the quality of work at the dome at the Osceola Courthouse.

“Some think the copper has not been welded,” he said.

“Because of the controversy, can we hire an expert metallurgist to look at the work?” Cullom asked.

Judge Nelson said he would look into calling a consultant.

Justice Mangat reported on the finance committee meeting held July 19 where it was decided to request an appropriation of $200,000 to start paying claims for unpaid medical bills for the employees, discussed the Covid-19 leave policy, the purchase of video equipment in an effort to make county meetings more transparent, and recommended using funds from a vacant position in the assessor’s office to raise seven employee salaries up to mid-point; and approve a $3,000 payment, over Workman’s Comp, for an employee’s out of pocket expense. She said they also approved to forward the request for the cost of improvements at the Osceola Health Department building in the amount of $1,948.96.

Justice Hepler said they had discussed funds in the Law Library account that might be used for work at the Osceola Courthouse. She said they will need to contact the committee members. Among the Law Library committee members are president Jeremy Thomas, David Burnett and Judge Catherine Dean.

In the Personnel Committee report, Justice Ash said the board recommended the emergency ordinance for Covid-19 leave time be extended, adding CDC recommendations will be followed.

They also discussed incentives to employees who take and for those who have taken the Covid-19 vaccine. Committee members recommended a $150 gift card. The request will be sent to the finance committee for consideration. It was also recommended to change vacation/sick leave time, because as it is part-time employees were receiving the same as full-time employees. Also, it was recommended to change the catastrophic sick bank policy to read that full-time employees must participate donating at least a half a day a year to be eligible to use it.

Justice Cullom referred to the incentive for taking the vaccine, asking, “why do they need to pay people to do what is right?”

“I am not saying it is the best route but it is a way to motivate people,” Justice Ash said.

Judge Nelson introduced a resolution honoring the late Justice Sylvester Belcher for his years of service to the county, which was adopted unanimously.

Justices voted to approve the raises in the assessor’s office using the funds budgeted for the slot that was not filled.

Justice White pointed out they were all in support of the raises and can pass the resolution but the money can not be given until appropriated by a line number.

The resolution passed unanimously.

The third resolution passed unanimously amends the wording in the employee handbook  for the catastrophic sick bank policy and the vacation/sick days.

Justices voted 9-0 to adopt an ordinance for a lease/purchase agreement for five Western Star dump trucks, with monthly payments of $7,830.71 per month for 36 months and a final payment of $544,728.

Justices voted to table the ordinance to appropriate $200,000 to start the process of paying outstanding insurance claims for employees. This will give time for the attorneys to meet and see who will be making the payments.

Justices voted to appropriate $2,961 for an employee to cover out of pocket expenses over Workman’s Comp payment. It was pointed out the employee will need to sign an agreement on the amount.

Justices approved the ordinance to replace the carpet in the amount of $1,948.93 at the Osceola Health Department building.

Justice White asked if the money can come from the CARE funds.

Judge Nelson said they will move forward paying for the work and it, along with other projects, will be reviewed to see if funds qualify for the CARE funds. A file is being kept on possible projects.

Justices approved an ordinance to appropriate $3,500 for the purchase of video streaming equipment.

An appropriation ordinance for $1 million was approved for the courthouse construction work.

The last appropriation approved was to compensate Stephen Crosskno in the amount of $2,000. Mr. Crosskno is assisting in the Office of Emergency Management.

Judge Nelson informed the justices of the death of a former, long-time county employee, Gary Carmichael.

“He worked for the road department and the landfill for 30 years,” Judge Nelson said. “It is sad to hear of his passing.”

Justice Burge said the county has two employees with Covid-19 and they need prayers.

“Yes, we do have two active cases in the Mississippi County Government,” Judge Nelson said.
