July 28, 2021

Leachville City Council members received a monthly report on the city sales tax, discussed progress of the new concession stand, heard reports from the city maintenance, discussed upcoming events at the Melody Theater, heard a citizen’s request for beautification project, discussed purchasing trash cans, and approved changing the schedule for trash pick-up at the July meeting held on Monday night...

Leachville City Council members received a monthly report on the city sales tax, discussed progress of the new concession stand, heard reports from the city maintenance, discussed upcoming events at the Melody Theater, heard a citizen’s request for beautification project, discussed purchasing trash cans, and approved changing the schedule for trash pick-up at the July meeting held on Monday night.

Mayor Rodney Robertson called the meeting to order with all council members present. Ruth Ann Keith, city treasurer, gave the financial report informing the council the city sales tax for the month totaled $12,409.18. It was divided into three departments, $6,204.58 for the water department; and $3,102.30 each for the fire department and police department.

Mayor Robertson said the sales tax income will be very beneficial to help keep up with the needs of the departments.

Ms. Keith also reported on the ARP (American  Rescue Plan) funds. She said they received the first check in the amount of $192,588.61 and will receive the second check about the same time next year. She explained the city will have to declare and get approval on any project the money is to be used for. The city has until the middle of next year to declare projects that will be paid for through the funds

“It is federal funding and everything has to be approved,” she said. “Once we declare what it is to be used for, it can not change. If it is misused in any way, the money has to be paid back. We have to be sure what we spend it on has been approved.”

Ms. Keith attends weekly online training sessions. She was asked if the new water meters the city is looking into purchasing is on the list of items that can be purchased.

“Yes, water meters can be purchased,” she said. “We have to get the water meters, the engineers, the company and the equipment all approved before purchases can be made.”

City maintenance manager Robert Ballard said the automated water meters would save time and are very accurate.

Police Chief Alan Austin asked if the money could be used for a sidewalk from the city to Dollar General for the safety of people walking.

Ms. Keith said the money cannot be spent on streets or sidewalks.

Ballard asked the council to look into preparing an ordinance for charges to apartments to pay a flat water rate and then what goes through the meter.

“I was told an ordinance is needed to make the change,” Ballard said. “We are losing money on the water and we need to look into it.”

Councilman Keith Evans commented the city needs to stay in state compliance.

Mayor Robertson asked Ballard to get a letter from the state on what is needed.

Ballard then informed the council the new sewer plant is up and running but it takes two to check the waste properly. It has to be done manually, an automated system was not installed. “I am proud of it (the sewer plant),” Ballard said. “It has been needed for 20 years.”

Kevin Cooper with the sanitation department asked the council about changing the trash pick-up schedule to six hours a day on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday informing the council that some days on Tuesdays they can’t complete the route due to taking the trash to the landfill. They said they will put out fliers letting the residents know of the changes starting in about two weeks.

Councilmen Paul Wildy and Keith Evans both agreed the sanitation department workers should work out the schedule that allows them to get the job done most efficiently. There were no objections to the schedule changes.

The purchase of city trash cans was discussed. Following a lengthy discussion, the council voted for the city to purchase 100, 64 gallon trash cans (at the lowest price available). The trash cans will be purchased by the city and sold to the citizens.

“This is something we have talked about several times and we just need to do it to help our employees,” Councilman Evans said.

Moba Lee Miller discussed with the council members placing large flower pots on main street as a beautification project. She said if the city will provide the pots, Adams Land Co. will provide the plants. The city will have to take the responsibility of maintenance. “We did that once before and it was a full time job,” Ballard said. “I do not have enough help.”

Ms. Keith said the last time they had flowers planted along main street, it took about four hours to water everything.

Councilman Michael Webster said some towns have volunteers to take care of the flowers. Mayor Robertson said he would look into the cost of pots and see if they can find volunteers and discuss it at the next meeting.

Ms. Miller then said the new small park area is going to be beautiful. The park will be located where Doc Rodman’s Clinic was.

“I talked to Eddie Adams about the idea and they are providing everything,” Ms. Miller said. “It is going to have a gazebo and will be an asset to our town.”

She updated the council on the mural project. Work has been put on hold but there is going to be a meeting on Tuesday.

“We have not spent any of the money donated for the project,” Ms. Miller said.

Ms. Miller also serves on the Melody Theater committee and gave an upcoming schedule of events including the All Leachville School Reunion on Sept. 4 from 4-6 p.m. There will be a talent show. The event will end at 6 p.m. giving everyone time to attend the entertainment from the Harvest Festival.

A country band, Gary Nix and West Texas, will perform on Aug. 14; Elvis impersonator/country show will be held on Sept. 18; and she is meeting with a group from Jonesboro on Aug. 17 about a musical to be performed Sept. 27, 28 and 29.

It was decided to get the carpets cleaned at the back of the Melody. Mayor Robertson said the leaks have been repaired.

A discussion was held on what is needed to get the new concession stand at the ballpark started. Councilman Drake Brown said the old one is down and they are looking at what is needed from the state and the county health department. Mayor Robertson said the community gym committee has requested removing the shower heads and capping off the water in the dressing rooms along with electrical work for exercise equipment. It was decided to take no action until the council could gather more information on the need to take out the dressing rooms and the cost.

In other business:

*Councilman Wildy informed the council there will be a LIDC meeting at 1 p.m. on Tuesday. “The council members are members and the meeting is open to the public.”

*A discussion was held on the fire phone  for the fire department. Councilman Drake Brown said the calls go to the county and the county pages it out. Ms. Keith said they will be changing all phones and the city has to keep the number. She did point out the amount was for two months.

*Ms. Keith said they are still working on the tornado sirens.

*Mayor Robertson said he met and welcomed the new owners of the nutrition store that recently opened in Leachville.

*Councilwoman Baldridge said she had several comments from some of the older citizens expressing their appreciation to the sanitation workers for helping them get their trash cans back to the house.
