July 21, 2021

Justice Molly Jackson chaired the Mississippi County Finance committee meeting Monday, July 19, in the absence of Chairman Michael White. Other committee members present were Harbans Mangat, Neil Burge and Aaron Fleeman. Also attending were Justices Betty Hepler, Cecil McDonald, Tobye McClanahan, and Rick Ash, along with County Judge John Alan Nelson and other county officials...

Justice Molly Jackson chaired the Mississippi County Finance committee meeting Monday, July 19, in the absence of Chairman Michael White.

Other committee members present were Harbans Mangat, Neil Burge and Aaron Fleeman. Also attending were Justices Betty Hepler, Cecil McDonald, Tobye McClanahan, and Rick Ash, along with County Judge John Alan Nelson and other county officials.

Justice Jackson reviewed the finances commenting, “Overall, the County General is about 60 percent on budget for the year.”

Justice Ash gave an update from last week’s Energy & Property meeting. The committee met with the architect giving an update on the courthouse project.

“The October completion date may be wishful thinking,” Justice Ash said. “Maybe, mid-November or early December. The elevator will take six to eight weeks to install and it has not arrived yet.” He said there was an estimated adjustment for the Osceola Courthouse project for about $50,000, and a request for a $1 million appropriation for the courthouse budget construction. He also said prices will be compared for the X-ray and metal detector equipment.

Justice Jackson pointed out there was no appropriation for construction needed last month so this is the first appropriation in two months.

Justice Burge said going back,  at one time there was a discussion about money in the Osceola law library account that might could be used for improvements at the Osceola Courthouse.

County treasurer Peggy Meatte said the amount is now $190,000.

Justice Hepler said she would look into who is presently in charge of the funds.

Justices agreed to request a $1 million appropriation for construction.

Options were discussed with county attorney Jacob Holmes about how to start the process of paying employee medical bills left unpaid when a former insurance company defaulted.

The county is presently in arbitration with the insurance company. The quorum court had appropriated $200,000 to start paying the insurance claims to the providers who agreed on the negotiated amounts.

One option was allowing Performance Health, who has the information, to make contacts.

Justice Jackson suggested setting up an insurance meeting and talking to attorney Jeremy Thomas and attorney Holmes. No action was taken.

Justice Ash said last year they passed an ordinance to cover employees days off due to Covid-19 exposure or illness without using their sick days or vacation days. He said they might consider not paying for the days off if the employees have not been vaccinated. He also said they would take into consideration those who have medical reasons not to be vaccinated.

Justice Jackson said they might look into offering incentives for employees to get vaccinated.

Tom Henry, county public affair employee, spoke to justices about updating equipment.

The equipment used to record meetings was owned by the former county public affair employee. Mr. Henry is using his phone but it does not work as well.

There is a need for a laptop and a camera designed for high graphic live streaming. The total cost is approximately $3,000.

Justices agreed there is a need for equipment and voted to appropriate up to $3,500 to purchase equipment. They also requested Henry compare prices from other sources.

Henry then discussed updating the website showing an estimated cost of $25,420 and an annual fee of $2,995.

County Judge John Alan Nelson said he had told the former public affairs employee he wanted him to work on getting the county a number one ranking for transparency.

“We came from number 67 to 17,” Judge Nelson said. “I think $25,000 is a reasonable amount.”

Henry went on to say they will be using the same company for the upgraded website.

Following a discussion, it was decided the county does need an upgrade and Henry will have an exact cost at the next meeting.

Henry also informed the committee they will be changing email servers in March. He said no action is needed now but they will need to make a decision and start the process before the present one ends.

In old business Justice Jackson said Harley Bradley, county assessor, has had a vacant slot in his office since the beginning of the year. He is not planning on filling the spot and has requested the money budgeted ($34,923) be used to bring up the pay for employees below the midpoint. Presently five are above the midpoint level and seven are not at the midpoint. It can be done and actually save the county money.

Committee members voted to bring the seven employees up to midpoint retroactive from the first of the year.

“I think that is a good move,” Justice Jackson said.

A short discussion was held concerning an employee asking for compensation over what Workman’s Compensation paid.

Justice Ash said they did authorize a $3,000 payment if she agreed to sign a release. Attorney Holmes said he thought she was asking for more but he would check.

It was agreed to appropriate $2,500 to replace carpet in the Osceola Heath Department building.

Justice Nelson informed the committee there had been an accident in the road department with a tire repair. He said the tire was being put back on the truck when the tire came off the rim.

The ambulance was called and one employee was airlifted to the med and one was released. Both employees are home and may be able to return to work in a week.

Justice Ash asked if there was any light duty available if needed. Judge Nelson said he would look into it and said they are still researching the cause of the accident.
