July 2, 2021

The Mississippi County Energy and Property committee met Tuesday with Justice of the Peace Molly Jackson, chair, reporting she had attended the owner/architect/contractor meeting Tuesday morning for the Blytheville courthouse project. Justice Michael White said, “We are looking at mid-September before it will be functional.”...

The Mississippi County Energy and Property committee met Tuesday with Justice of the Peace Molly Jackson, chair, reporting she had attended the owner/architect/contractor meeting Tuesday morning for the Blytheville courthouse project.

She said the location where the elevator is stored had been hit by a tornado but fortunately the cab itself did not receive damage. The three elevators should be ready to ship and arrive in two weeks which will not cause any delays. It will take approximately eight weeks for installation.

Justice Michael White said, “We are looking at mid-September before it will be functional.”

Justice Jackson said they spoke about schedules, and the contractors are still certain they will be going over the ‘punch list’ in October. “A lot of work has been done and it is looking great,” Jackson said. “There is still a lot of work to do.” She said a change order has been made creating a credit in the amount of $6,326.79.

Justice Rick Ash updated the committee on the walk-through metal detector and X-ray machine for the courthouse at a total cost for delivery, set up and training of $55,724.82. He gave a breakdown of the cost saying it came in a little over budget. Justice Jackson said they have $35,000 budgeted.

An appropriation will be asked for at the next meeting if needed.

“We still have over $700,000 appropriated and that should be okay until the next meeting,” Justice Jackson said.

It was pointed out the contingency funds and undesignated funds are still available.

Justice Jackson gave an update on the funding for the $2 million Osceola courthouse project, reporting that it will be $308,000 for windows and taking care of the birds and there’s a change order for additional work not to exceed $50,000. A discussion was held on the interest funds in the amount of $45,000 being dedicated to the Osceola project. Justice Jackson said she will meet with Kelli Jones, finance director, to see if the money committed has been used.

Ed Harshman of Osceola addressed the committee expressing his concerns about the copper dome on the Osceola Courthouse.

“My office is across the street from the courthouse and I have watched the work,” he said. “There has not been any work in the last month.”

Mr. Harshman questioned if all new copper was used.

In a letter, the architect said he personally witnessed old copper coming off, substantial repairs made, because the old copper was so worn, and new copper installed.

Mr. Harshman also asked what happened to the copper that was removed. He went on to say he checked the storage bin where the old copper is located and he did not think it was all there. He believes there was more copper on the dome than what is in the container. He also questioned the white streaks which looked like it had been soldered.

Harshman asked committee members to check on having the dome cleaned, removing the white streaks and having the old copper weighed.

“I will ask but I firmly believe all new copper was used on the dome,” Justice Ash said.

Justice Jackson said they would consider cleaning the dome but would have to know the cost and how often it would have to be cleaned before a decision would be made.

She also said she did not think the amount in the container is relevant to what was put on.

“We do not know how much was damaged or given away,” she said.

Justice Jackson shared a link with photographs of the work throughout the project.

The next meeting is scheduled for July 13.
