June 26, 2021

Lake City Council discussed donations to Little League, disposal of furniture, vehicle lease agreements, reviewed bids and approved the legislative audit at the June 21 meeting. Daniel Haynes, park director, addressed the council about the legal way of accepting donations for the Lake City Little League...

Lake City Council discussed donations to Little League, disposal of furniture, vehicle lease agreements, reviewed bids and approved the legislative audit at the June 21 meeting.

Daniel Haynes, park director, addressed the council about the legal way of accepting donations for the Lake City Little League.

Motion was made to accept all Little League donations from all parties in the amount of $12,121.36 into the Parks Fund by a vote of 4-0 with one council member abstaining.

Members of the council present included Brenda Hutcheson, Kate Wells, Tommy Eakins, Harmony Cash, Jake Emery and Danny Dunigan.

Mayor Cameron Tate discussed the need for an ordinance setting rates for the disposal of furniture. It was agreed unanimously to have the city attorney draw up an ordinance for furniture pick-up for disposal. Fees were set for drop-off furniture (up to five pieces) at $5; and for the pick-up of furniture (up to 5 pieces) at $15.

The council voted to renew the vehicle lease agreement for the mayor and the city clerk for 2021. The city agreed to lease their personal vehicles for the sum of $1.

Three sealed bids were received and reviewed for the 2011 and 2012 Dodge Chargers. The highest bid from Emergency Remarketing were approved in the amount of $1,389.14 for the 2011 and $1,689.14 for the 2012.

The council approved the 2019 Legislative Audit. The city’s audit had no findings.

The next regular city council meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. July 19.
