May 22, 2021

Lake City Council met on Monday, May 17, allowing a property variance, filling a council seat, discussing the sale of police vehicles and reviewing paving bids. Mayor Cameron Tate opened the meeting with Council members Brenda Hutcheson, Kate Wells, Tommy Eakins, Harmony Cash and Danny Dunigan present, along with city clerk Lisa Sitz...

Lake City Council met on Monday, May 17, allowing a property variance, filling a council seat, discussing the sale of police vehicles and reviewing paving bids.

Mayor Cameron Tate opened the meeting with Council members Brenda Hutcheson, Kate Wells, Tommy Eakins, Harmony Cash and Danny Dunigan present, along with city clerk Lisa Sitz.

After a discussion the council voted 5-0 to permit a variance on the request from John Ryan for property located behind City Hall. The seven lots will now be four lots at 5,800 square foot per lot to build four houses.

The city received two applicants for the vacant council seat, Ward 2, Position 2. Applicants were submitted by Mike George and Jake Emery. Both were given the opportunity to address the council. The council voted unanimously to appoint Jake Emery. The seat was held by Jeff Wisham who recently stepped down. Emery will fill the remainder of Wisham’s two year term. The council then voted to take sealed bids for two police vehicles,  2011 and 2012 Dodge Chargers. Bids will be opened in 30 days.

Council reviewed bids for the paving of Jackson Street. One bid was submitted from Atlas Asphalt, Inc. and one from Asphalt Producers, LLC. The council voted to accept the bid from Atlas for $36,180 to pave 20’x1,000’, Jackson Street. Resident Judy Tackett addressed the council asking them to consider creating an ordinance to allow golf carts on city streets. No action was taken.

The next meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. June 21.
