During Monday night’s meeting, the Armorel School Board approved a $638,750 HVAC and lighting project with Entegrity, which is expected to save the district between $50,000-66,500 annually.
Along with the lighting project that had been previously approved, the money will be used for 40 new, high efficiency HVAC units, including multiple units in the high school, in the elementary cafe, in the elementary library, in the gym, in the administration building and one residential. The new units will improve air quality and have smart thermostats, according to the company.
“I believe this is going to save us money,” Armorel School Board president Scott Jowers said. “We’ll have 20 left that are not high efficiency (units).”
Board member Jeff Hopper agreed, saying he expects maintenance costs to drop considerably because of the new units.
The board agreed to superintendent Tiffany Morgan’s suggestion to pay cash instead of financing the units, which will prevent interest charges.
Morgan noted the district will use as much of its $376,999.54 ESSER funds as the state allows for the savings project and pay the rest with operating funds.
She also agreed to research costs of a service agreement.
Morgan added the district will continue to use ABDCO for custodial services and use it now to mow, after the agreement with Wierzba Lawn Service ends in June. In other news, Morgan said the state has granted the district 10 AMI days next year.
The board also heard reports from elementary principal Joey Carr and high school principal Tony Crowell.
Board members approved 12 school choice student requests in elementary, from the Blytheville and Manila School Districts, and seven in high school from Blytheville and Osceola. Blytheville did not release three students who requested school choice to Armorel, after Blytheville had reached its three percent cap. The board agreed to accept the students if Blytheville releases them should the three percent stay. Armorel had a student school choice to Manila.
The board approved the school improvement plans, literacy plans, special education budget, re-elected board officers and approved personnel recommendations.