Leachville City Council approved the purchase of radios to be programmed with the weather sirens, declared a vacancy in Ward I, read a condemnation ordinance for the second time, discussed the community gymnasium, the ball park, the Leachville High School Reunion, and the annual fireworks at the Monday night meeting.
Mayor Rodney Robertson presided at the meeting with three council members, Lisa Baldridge, Michael Webster and Richie Pace in attendance.
Following the minutes and the financial review given by the city clerk/treasurer Ruth Ann Keith, firefighter Chuck Davis addressed the council about purchasing three radios that can be programmed with the sirens. The total cost is $2,230, $710 per radio and a $100 installation charge.
"I think it would be a good thing to have and once we get it set up, it will be simple to set off all three sirens," Davis said.
The council voted unanimously to purchase the radios. A discussion was also held on looking into grants and/or the purchase of two new sirens.
Mayor Robertson presented a letter declaring a vacancy in Ward 1. Recently elected council member Mitchell Lasater resigned his position due to his moving out of town.
Mayor Robertson said he has received three letters of interest from Drake Brown, Ethel Hetler and Mark Wheeler. "We will be accepting letters of interest until the next meeting," Mayor Robertson said.
The next regular scheduled meeting will be at 7 p.m. April 19.
Keith read Ordinance 2021-1, a condemnation ordinance setting the guidelines for the removal of houses declared unsafe. A third reading will be introduced at the next meeting.
City maintenance supervisor Robert Ballard informed the council he had replaced the pumps that had gone down and everything seems to be in good shape for now. He said work at the sewer plant should be done by the end of April or the first of May.
Ballard and the council discussed equipment needed at the new plant. Ballard said he would bring some exact figures of the cost to the next meeting.
Park Commissioner Chuck Brown said everything is going well at the park. There will be five teams this year and two tournaments are scheduled. He said the pre-season tournament will be held April 5.
"We are looking forward to a good year," Brown said.
Lisa Turner, Leachville community gym committee member, thanked the council for allowing the gym to re-open.
She reported several fund-raising activities underway including a Boston butt sale and wrestling events in June and October. Turner said there are plans for dance classes, bucket basketball and other activities. She said she receives many calls from people wanting to rent the gym for parties or other activities.
Turner requested the council consider setting prices for rental so she will know what to charge.
Keith said the auditors suggested there is a need for an ordinance for handling funds. She said that would include the gymnasium, the park and the Melody Theater, all owned by the city.
Councilman Pace said he is for having a list but he does not want to see rental fees overpriced so no one can use the facilities.
More discussion was held but no action was taken.
There will be a pancake breakfast on March 27 from 6:30 to 10 a.m. at the Leachville Fire Station I. The proceeds from the event will kick off the fundraising campaign for the Fourth of July fireworks.
Davis said they really missed having the fireworks last year and he is looking forward to the event this year. In the future they are planning a hamburger dinner and a car wash. He said they have a goal of $8,000 and hopes to order the fireworks by the second week in May.
Turner said Barbara Lloyd is working on organizing a Leachville School reunion which is planned for Labor Day weekend to coordinate with the Harvest Festival.
Mayor Robertson said they are looking for volunteers to help with the Harvest Festival.